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Formation Continue du Supérieur
10 février 2019

Cedefop Non-formal and informal learning - Links to National qualifications and frameworks

HomeThe recommendation stresses the importance of linking validation arrangements to national qualifications systems and frameworks: Member States should enable individuals to ‘obtain a full qualification or, where applicable, part qualification on the basis of validated non-formal and informal learning experiences’ (Council of EU, 2012, p. 3, point 1b). They should ensure that ‘validation arrangements are linked to national qualifications frameworks and are in line with the European qualifications framework’ (ibid. point 3a), that ‘synergies exist between validation arrangements and credit systems applicable in the formal education and training system such as ECTS and ECVET’ (ibid. p. 4, point 3j). They should also ensure that ‘education and training providers […] facilitate access to formal education and training on the basis of learning outcomes acquired in non-formal and informal settings and, if appropriate and possible, award exemptions and/or credits for relevant learning outcomes acquired in such settings.’ (ibid., point 4b). More...

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Formation Continue du Supérieur