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19 septembre 2016

Higher education and research - Moving towards gender equality ? Key figures

Gender equality has been a core principle of the European project since 1957. Championed both by European institutions and all Member States, gender equality has been enshrined in cross-cutting public policies and special measures to promote the emancipation, independence and freedom of women. This 9th European conference on gender equality in higher education and research provides a special opportunity to advance in this direction. This is why  the Minister for Naitonal Education, Higher Education and Rearch wished to provide with a compilation of key figures regarding equality between the sexes in the field of higher education and research. The 35 key figures herein illustrate the situation concerning gender equality in EU countries in light of recent statistical data on students, graduates, staff (research professors, researchers, support staff, etc.) and on higher education and research governance bodies.

Moving towards Gender Equality - Key figures. More...
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