Annual Conferences - Eucen
eucen Annual Conferences are organised once a year always in spring.
48th eucen Conference - Dublin (IE) 01-03 June 2016
Dublin City University and the Higher Education Research Centre present the announcement of the 48th eucen Conference: Crossing borders through Lifelong Learning: Enhancing Quality and Equity in Higher Education
47th eucen Conference | Building bridges together in University Lifelong Learning
The eucen 2015 Conference will take place in Istanbul (TR) at the Boğaziçi University from June 3rd to 5th in 2015.
46th eucen Conference | Lifelong Learning Universities and the European Policies on Social Investment
The eucen 2014 Conference which took place in Warsaw (PL) at the Warsaw School of Economics from June 11th to 13th in 2014, was jointly organised by eucen and the Warsaw School of Economics, the Educational Research Institute, the University of Gdansk and the Polish Universities for Lifelong Learning.
45th eucen Conference | Transferring Knowledge in a Globalised World: a ULLL Responsibility
The 45th eucen Conference organised by the University of Geneva took place in May 2013 at the Cailler Conference Centre in Charmey (CH).
44th eucen Conference | Border-Crossing as a Viable Choice: Collaboration, Dialogue
The 44th eucen Conference organised by the University of Malta took place in November 2012 in Valletta (MT)
43rd eucen Conference | Universities’ Engagement in and with Society. The ULLL contribution.
The 43th eucen Conference took place at the University of Graz (AT) in November 2012 and was jointly organised by the Center for Continuing Education at the University of Graz and the European University Continuing Education Network (eucen).
42nd eucen Conference | Bridging the gaps between learning pathways
The 42th eucen Conference took place in November 2011 in Genoa (IT).
41st eucen Conference | Education as a right - LLL for all!
The 41st eucen Conference took place in May 2011 in Granada (ES).
40th eucen Conference | From Rhetoric to Reality
The 40th eucen Conference took place in November 2010 in Lille (FR).
39th eucen Conference | Lifelong Learning for the New Decade
The 39th eucen Conference organized by the University of Lapland took place on 27-29 May 2010 in Rovaniemi (FI).
38th eucen Conference | Quality and Innovation in Lifelong Learning
The 38th eucen Conference took place on 5-7 November 2009 in Jönköping (SE).
37th eucen Conference | How to transform a University into a LLL University?
The 37th eucen Conference took place on 26-28 March 2009 in Leuven (BE).
36th eucen Conference | University LLL: Synergy between partners
The 36th eucen Conference took place on 6-8 November 2008 in Tallinn (EE).
35th eucen Conference | Promoting Active Citizenship in Europe
The 35th eucen Conference took place on 5-8 June 2008 in Edinburgh (UK).
34th eucen Conference | The University as an International and Regional Actor
The 34th eucen Conference took place in November 2007 in Hanover (DE).
33rd eucen Conference | ULLL
The 33rd eucen Conference took place on 15-17 March 2007 in Ljubljana (SI).
32nd eucen Symposium | 4th Project Forum
eucen's 32nd Symposium and 4th Project Forum was organised by the department of Continuous Education of the Pierre and Marie Curie University (UPMC) in Paris.
31st eucen Conference | Universities as a driver for regional development
The 31st eucen Conference took place in May 2006 in Gdynia (PL).
30th eucen Symposium | 3rd eucen Project Forum
The 30th eucen Symposium and 3rd Project Forum was held in Rome (IT), in November 2005, at LUMSA.
29th eucen Conference | From Bologna to Bergen and Beyond
The 29th eucen European Conference was held in April 2005 in Bergen (NO).
28th eucen Symposium | 2nd eucen Project Forum
The 28th eucen Symposium took place in November 2004 in Kaunas (LT).
27th eucen Conference | Developing Learning Regions
The 27th eucen Conference took place in June 2004 in Limerick (IE).
26th eucen Symposium | 1st eucen Project Forum
The 26th eucen Symposium took place in November 2003 in Aveiro (Portugal).
25th eucen Conference | Accrediting LLL: Classroom, workplace
The 25th eucen Conference took place in May 2003 in Brno (CZ).
24th eucen Conference | E-learning, Co-operative Learning
The 24th eucen Conference took place in October 2002 in Vienna (AT).
23rd eucen Conference | Teachers, Facilitatiors, Mentors or Managers?
The 23rd eucen Conference took place in May 2002 in Pécs (HU).
22nd eucen Conference | Professional and Institutional Development in CE
eucen's 22nd European Conference was held in Chieti (IT) organised by the Universita degli Studi "G d'Annunzio".
21st eucen Conference | Building a network world: World networking in continuing education
The 21st eucen Conference took place in May 2001 in Barcelona (ES).
20th eucen Conference | Equality-Quality in University Continuing Education
The 20th eucen Conference took place in October 2000 in London (UK).
19th eucen Conference | Death and Re-birth of University Education
The 19th eucen Conference took place in May 2000 in Bergen (NO).
18th eucen Conference | Changing Work and Education Needs
The 18th eucen European Conference was hosted by Continuing Education Centre University of Joensuu (FI) in December 1999.
17th eucen Conference | Learning from Each Other: European Dimension of UCE
The 17th eucen European Conference was hosted by the Institute of Continuing Education, University of Iceland (IS).
16th eucen Conference | Lifelong Learning: Links between Western and Central Europe
The 16th eucen European Conference took place in October 1998 in Warsaw (PL).
15th eucen Conference | Pedagogics and Practice in Lifelong Learning
The 15th eucen Conference took place in May 1998 in Örebro (SE).
14th eucen Conference | Encouraging Creativity and Innovation in University CE
The 14th eucen European Conference took place in October 1997 in Dublin (IE).
13th eucen Conference | Competition & Cooperation in University Continuing Education
The 13th eucen European Conference was hosted by Continuing Education Centres of the Universities of Fribourg, Genève, Lausanne, Neuchâtel and the EPFL in Lausanne (CH).
12th eucen Conference | University Continuing Education and Professions
The 12th eucen Conference was organized by the Center of Further Education (COF) at the University of Catania (IT), in October 1996.
11th eucen Conference | Good Practice in Open and Distance Learning
The 11th eucen European Conference was held in Nantes (FR).
10th eucen Conference | University CE - Meeting the needs of the Region
The 10th eucen European Conference was held in Kortrijk, (BE). It was hosted by the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven and the Universite Ch. de Gaulle Lille 3, FCEP.
9th eucen Conference | The Funding of University Continuing Education
The 9th eucen European conference was hosted by the Continuing Education Centre of the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.
8th eucen Conference | Using Multimedia Methods in University CE
The 8th eucen European conference was hosted by the University of Patras in Olympia (GR).
7th eucen Conference | Implementing High Quality UCE
The 7th eucen European Conference took place in June 1994 in Espoo (FI).
6th eucen Conference | Motivating Academia for UCE
The 6th eucen Conference took place in October 1993 in Porto (PT).
5th eucen Conference | UCE in Spain and Europe
The 5th eucen European conference was held in Barcelona (ES). The Bosch i Gimpera Fundacio organized this conference. This year the theme was Continuing Education in Spain and in Europe.
4th eucen Conference | Universities' Future Role in CE
The 4th eucen European conference took place in Leiden (NL). 23-25 October 1992 and was organised by Leiden University. The theme was The Future of University Continuing Education.
3rd eucen Conference | Practical Aspects of European UCE
The 3rd eucen European conference took place at the University of Liège (BE), 15-17 May 1992. The full title of the conference was “Practical Aspects of European UCE/ Official Constitution 17-05". The theme was "Objects of the eucen".
2nd eucen Conference | Conditions and Perspectives of UCE
The 2nd eucen European meeting took place in Hanover (DE), 15- 17 November 1991 and it was hosted by the University of Hanover. The main topic discussed was the creation of eucen.
1st eucen Conference | Founding Meeting: UCE Collaboration
The 1st eucen European meeting took place in Bristol (UK) in 1991. The theme was Towards a European Universities Continuing Education Network and it was organised by the University of Bristol. More...