Second ALISIOS workshop tackles research collaboration with Brazil and enhancing the quality of mobility
European agencies and associations managing the Brazilian Science without Borders (SwB) programme joined over 100 representatives of Brazilian universities and other international partners in Recife, Brazil, on 14 October, to further discuss and enhance Brazilian and European research and higher education exchange, a primary objective of the project ALISIOS* (Academic Links and Strategies for the Internationalisation of the Higher Education Sector).
Held in conjunction with the 6th International Seminar and the 7th General Assembly of the Coimbra Group of Brazilian Universities (GCUB), this workshop was the second edition of a series of three. The first hosted by EUA in Brussels in January 2014, focused on national and institutional internationalisation strategies in Europe and Brazil as well as the potential for enhanced synergies in European national cooperation towards important emerging countries in the HE sector, like Brazil. More...