By Matt Reed. The Boy and The Girl returned to school yesterday. The Girl -- who is starting the fourth grade -- reported that her teacher had every student do a “Facebook page” (on paper) about themselves. Apparently, it’s fair to assume now that fourth graders know how Facebook pages work. One of the questions was “favorite things,” and they were supposed to list four. As TG put it, she listed “kittens, puppies, chocolate, and books. You know, the essentials.”
That’s my girl.
Free idea for the League for Innovation: could we put together some sort of League-ish conference entirely online? Community college travel budgets have really been beaten down over the last few years, so it’s getting harder to send people to conferences, but we need the cross-fertilization of ideas more than ever. Twitter is great, but sometimes the longer form is necessary. I’m thinking something “live,” with a schedule and a roster. Read more...
8 septembre 2013
Friday Fragments