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10 mars 2013

The second volume of the Report from the OECD’s Feasibility Study on the AHELO is now available

The second volume of the Report from the OECD’s Feasibility Study on the Assessment of Higher Education Learning Outcomes (AHELO) is now available. This second volume focuses on Data Analysis and National Experiences. The Report (and its executive summary) can be found on
This follows a first volume on Design and Implementation which was published in December 2012 (available on our website: full report, executive summary).
A third and final volume will be published at the end of April 2013 on further insights (including Conference proceedings).
The Feasibility Study Conference (Measuring learning outcomes in Higher Education: Lessons learnt from the AHELO Feasibility Study and next steps) will take place at the OECD Conference Centre on 11-12 March.
Information about the Conference can be found on the dedicated conference website: If you would like to receive the log-in for the Webcast of the Conference, or if you have any other questions about AHELO please contact us:
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