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19 octobre 2008

European Training Foundation : vacancy for a director

Cedefop - European Centre for the Development of Vocational TrainingDeadline for submission: Monday, 10/11/2008  at 17:00. The European Training Foundation (ETF) is recruiting a new director (grade AD 14).

The European Commission has published in the Official Journal of 10 October 2008 (C 258A) the post of Director of the European Training Foundation(ETF). The ETF is a European Union agency established through Council Regulation 1360/90 of 7 May 1990 and is located in Turin, Italy. Since it became operational in 1995, the ETF has become a centre of expertise in the development and reform of vocational education and training systems in the candidate countries, the Western Balkans, the Meda region and the countries of Eastern Europe and Central Asia. The ETF provides direct support to the European Commission and to its partner countries within the framework of its external relations programmes (including IPA, ENPI and Meda programmes). A full description of the post, the required qualifications, an application form and instructions on how to apply can be found in the Official Journal C 258A of 10 October 2008.

Word DocumentEnglish Vacancy Notice (size: 55kb)
 Internet-WWW For information on the ETF
 Internet-WWW Official Journal C 258A of 10 October 2008

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