By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. America's Perfect Storm
The release of the NCLB report in the United States has prompted many to consider the relation between learning and prosperity. The Public Education Network applauds the report as a "first step" but calls for more resources. The Annenburg Institute, though, asks "what is proficiency?" As Robert Rothman notes, "NCLB leaves the definition of proficiency up to each state - and states have defined it in widely varying ways". More...
The Future Wave of School Volunteerism: Be the Textbook
By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. The Future Wave of School Volunteerism: Be the Textbook
Vicki Davis's heart is in the right place, and her proposal to have people volunteer, via Skype connections, to teach online at a school "in the most impoverished areas" (I assume she means areas in the United States) echoes comments made here and elsewhere to the effect that the future of learning online is one in which every person is a teacher. Here, for example. But why Skype? Why volunteers? And why only the disadvantaged? Education isn't some sort of charity to be meted out by volunteers at their convenience. It is a social necessity. More...
Toward a New Knowledge Society
By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Toward a New Knowledge Society
My presentation to the VENUS seminar on Wednesday. In this talk I describe connective knowledge, and in particular I compare it with traditonal knowledge, both on the level of generalizations (which correspond to pattern recognition) and concrete particulars (which correspond to complex linkages between entities). The online seminar was seen in six European locations as well as streamed online. (Click the title of this post to see my new-style presentation page. Enclosure should also be working, for those who like to listen to podcasts.) Presentation by Stephen Downes, Virtual and E-mobility for Networking Universities in Society (VENUS), online, [Link]. More...
Un guide de bonnes pratiques pour l'égalité femmes/hommes sur les réseaux sociaux et dans la communication

Consultation nationale sur le futur de l'Europe et de l'Enseignement supérieur

Journées nationales de l'Innovation Pédagogique dans l'Enseignement Supérieur 2019

Make our Planet Great Again : conférence de lancement

Trouver un stage dans la filière agricole
La plateforme, facilite la mise en relation entre futurs stagiaires et maîtres de stage dans le milieu agricole. Plus...
Comment intégrer une école d’ingénieurs après le bac
Les ingénieurs en herbe sont de plus en plus nombreux à éviter la case classes préparatoires. Désormais, près d’un quart intègre une école directement après le bac. Plus...
Lille: sept écoles d’ingénieurs accessibles dès le bac en poche
Envie d’intégrer une école d’ingénieurs sans faire de prépa? Quelques établissements lillois recrutent directement après le bac et sont sur Parcoursup. Plus...