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2 octobre 2019

Blogs Vs. Discussion Groups

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Blogs Vs. Discussion Groups
I am extensively involved in both blogs and discussion groups (though the latter are notoriously hard to link to). So for me it has never been a question of deciding which one is better. But there does seem to be some factionalism. More...

2 octobre 2019

The Science of Learning

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. The Science of Learning
Clive Shepherd lists some practical points offered about teaching and learning from cognitive neuroscientist Dr Itiel Dror of Southampton University. I have written a rejoinder; don't take it as deep criticism, as it's just me riffing on what I thought was an interesting summary. From what I've read of Dror's publications (a few papers and a few abstracts) he knows what he's talking about, though I most certainly do not share his enthusiasm for criminology and military psychology. More...

2 octobre 2019

Media Education Week

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Media Education Week
"Explicitly or implicitly, the mainstream media convey ideological messages and notions of values, power and authority." This is true, and many of my 'radical' positions are based on questioning some of these messages people take for granted. That is why I have always been a supporter of media literacy. Media Education Week was last November, but Alec Couros linked to it this week. More...

2 octobre 2019

Identity Management at the University of Florida

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Identity Management at the University of Florida
A one-slide PowerPoint presentation describing, as the title suggests, identity management at the University of Florida. I like this resource because of the presentation of the information; the university's approach isn't particularly unique (and I find myself asking, of course, how OpenID can fit into this, or why it wouldn't). More...

2 octobre 2019

WorldCat Institution Registry and Identifiers

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. WorldCat Institution Registry and Identifiers
Good articulation of the author's thoughts around the WorldCat Institution Registry service provided by OCLC. What interests me here is that the 'info' protocol being used creates the same sorts of questions in his mind as the use of Handle in things like CORDRA creates in mind. We both wonder, "Why not use HTML?" because "I can't - at least without some additional information - take one of those URIs that has been given to me by email, by telephone etc, and obtain a representation of the resource. While the info URI scheme shares some of the characteristics of the http URI scheme as an identification mechanism, there is no widely deployed mechanism for dereferencing an info URI. While there is no global method for dereferencing info URIs, the info URI scheme does provide for individual 'namespace authorities' to specify dereferencing mechanisms for URIs on a 'per namespace' basis, and to disclose those methods via the info URI Namespace Registry. Clearly that introduces additional complexity - and ultimately cost - for dereferencing." And... and... control. More...

2 octobre 2019

Asking to Be Kidnapped

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Asking to Be Kidnapped
Nice take on the metaphor I use to describe formal learning, written with humour. Worth noting are the 'ten frames' that characterize the way traditional learners are "captivated by conformity". More...

2 octobre 2019

ePortfolios, Distributed Storage and Personal Repository Caches

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. ePortfolios, Distributed Storage and Personal Repository Caches
Tony Hirst opines on the future of storage and repositories. "Search based navigation - or content rediscovery - will become increasingly common as desktop search becomes as fast as Google search (which is the case in Vista). How this will affect the way in which users mentally organise their content is unclear to me..." I also like the concept of 'found storage' - it's kind of like the way the carrying bag on my bicycle seems to have become the permanent home for some of my tools. More...

2 octobre 2019

Two Great Tools

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Two Great Tools
I just got email saying my proposal to CADE/AMTEC has been accepted (good thing - it was the only paper submission I sent out this year!) so I'll be in Winnipeg in mid-May. This is a good time to take a break, as I have other travel plans as well: Toronto at the end of March, Boston (e-learning Guild) and Bogota for conferences in April, Holland at the end of May, Taiwan in June and Anaheim in October.
But right now I'm tired. I need a vacation. Don't panic, I'm not going anywhere - it's just I've lost the will to fight against winter and so will be posting out of the home office for the next couple of weeks. More...

2 octobre 2019

How Do I Explode?

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. How Do I Explode?
The people at ELGG created some weekend code on the fly and came up with Explode!, a partially distributed social networking application. I made some suggestions and it appears some more work will be put into the API (I hope they remember me when they make their millions). Watch this space. More...

2 octobre 2019

TypeKey and the UK Access Management Federation

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. TypeKey and the UK Access Management Federation
When the UK Access Management federation announced they were opting for Shibboleth, I was pretty critical. Still am. But now the question becomes more direct: how hard would it be for them to support OpenID? Why would they not do so. More...

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