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9 mai 2019

Keep Your Pants On

HomeBy Jeremy Bauer-Wolf. Colorado State is trying to shut down the annual Undie Run, asserting that it fosters an environment ripe for sexual assaults. Students and others say that this is victim blaming. More...

9 mai 2019

In Greece, Controversial Degree Shake-Up

HomeBy David Matthews for Times Higher Education. Merger of technical institutes into universities could upgrade hundreds of thousands of graduates' degrees. Many educators see a political ploy. More...

9 mai 2019

The Case for Vibrant Interdisciplinary Mentoring

HomeSamuel Gorovitz, Cathryn R. Newton and Joseph J. Fins applaud and advocate for mentors who connect ostensibly unrelated disciplines in odd, innovative and visionary ways. More...

9 mai 2019

Enseignement sup. Des campus connectés pour la poursuite des études : Redon et Saint-Brieuc sélectionnés

Dès la rentrée prochaine, 13 établissements d'études supérieurs proposeront des cursus connectés à des étudiants éloignés des grandes métropoles universitaires. Pour l'ouest, Redon et Saint-Brieuc (campus Mazier) offriront, dès la rentrée prochaine, un enseignement à distance pour devenir des diplômés "comme les autres". Ce système est mis en place afin d'inciter les bacheliers des villes où l'offre d'enseignement supérieur est inexistante ou moindre, à poursuivre leurs études.
Source :

9 mai 2019

Thank Someone Else's Mom

HomeThe mother of our director of residence life would not let go of my hand after realizing that I was the one who had written her last spring. She told me how much the letter had meant to her and that she carries it with her at all times. To prove it, she guided me toward her purse and pulled out the letter. More...

9 mai 2019

Dual Job Searches Beyond the Professoriate

HomeThe considerations compound when two Ph.D.s are looking together for job positions beyond academe, writes Erica Gobrogge, who provides a few tips for success. More...

9 mai 2019

How to Make the GPA Less Flawed

HomeFor decades, American society has reduced student success, or failure, to this number completely absent of any context, Adam Piggott and Tom Solomon argue. More...

9 mai 2019

Ethical College Admissions: May Day, Coalition Exits and More

HomeJim Jump reflects on discussions with colleagues at a time of year that is either stressful or celebratory (or both) for those in admissions. More...

9 mai 2019

The Wrong Response to a Tragedy

HomeOn Easter Sunday, bombs set off by terrorist suicide bombers in churches and hotels in Sri Lanka shocked the world. The number of deaths and injuries, along with the level of general destruction, was appalling. The religious/ethnic dimension of the attack tied it to central political and cultural conflicts of our times -- and of other times as well. More...

9 mai 2019

Liberal Arts Under Pressure

HomeHow much do we value the liberal arts? Recent decisions in higher education continue to send mixed signals. In a positive development, the University of Wisconsin at Stevens Point seems to have reversed a previous decision to make deep cuts in liberal arts programs. West Virginia’s Wheeling Jesuit University, however, recently announced the elimination of all liberal arts majors and laid off most of its liberal arts faculty. More...

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