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25 mars 2017

PPL changes likely to sink in Senate (Advocate 24 01)

By Terri Macdonald. The Federal Government thought it was being strategically clever in combining childcare payment reform with a range of savings in family and other payments – including the Government’s paid parental leave (PPL) – in a massive Omnibus Bill, the Social Services Legislation Amendment (Omnibus And Child Care Reform) Bill 2017. More...

25 mars 2017

Inquiry into Gender segregation in the workplace and its impact on women's economic equality

By Terri Macdonald. At 57% of our total membership and as a similar proportion in the sector, NTEU has always had a significant interest in issues affecting women workers and has devoted specific resources to pursuing these issues. Indeed we view and review all our work through the ‘gender lens’. More...

25 mars 2017

Round 7 Enterprise Bargaining (Advocate 24 01)

By Sarah Roberts. Enterprise bargaining is intensifying across the higher education sector, with further sites in Victoria joining WA, Queensland, Tasmania and the ACT in active negotiations for new Agreements. More...

25 mars 2017

Labor calls Govt on HE cuts in Parliament

By Jen T. Kwok. On Monday, the Deputy Leader of the Opposition and Shadow Minister for Education, Tanya Plibersek put a private motionon higher education to the House of Representatives, calling for the Coalition Government to:

  • announce their plans for higher education funding and fees;
  • rule out significant fee increases;
  • abandon their 20% to university grants. More...
25 mars 2017

Is the TPP really dead? ( Advocate 24 01)

By Jen T. Kwok. On 23 January 2017, President Donald Trump signed an executive order withdrawing the US from the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), derailing the aspirations of Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and his Japanese counterpart Shinzo Abe, who only weeks before had agreed to coordinate Australia and Japan’s early entry into the multilateral trade agreement. More...

25 mars 2017

NTEU appalled at Government's plans to privatise sexual assault services

By Terri Macdonald. The NTEU is supporting the No Profit from Rape campaign, which is calling for support to oppose the tendering of the 1800RESPECT, the national telephone and online counselling service for women, men and children experiencing domestic or sexual violence. More...

25 mars 2017

WAC Women join National Rally

By Terri Macdonald. The NTEU Women's Action Committee (WAC) took time out from teh first of their two meetings this year to attend the national trade union rally on March 9, giving support to our fellow unionists whose jobs are threatened by the Federal Government's attacks on job security, wages, workplace safety and workers rights. More...

25 mars 2017

NTEU Submission to Senate Inquiry into the Social Services Legislation Amendment (Omnibus Savings-Child Care Reform) Bill 2017

By Terri Macdonald. The omnibus bill explanatory memo details the provisions of the Omnibus Bill, which combines a range of stalled and revised social and welfare changes into a single Bill to force nearly $4 billion in savings through the Parliament.  These include the Fairer Paid Parental Leave Amendment Bill 2015 (which incorporates a number of minor revisions), the cuts to family tax benefits, changes to pensions and welfare recipient payments, the Jobs for Families childcare package and changes to eligibility requirements for jobseekers under the age of 25. More...

25 mars 2017

International Womens Day (IWD) 2017

By Terri Macdonald. This year the United Nation's IWD theme is to Empower a woman, empower a nation. Together we can empower women across the globe. This year, the UN is drawing attention to the challenges women and girls face - particularly around gender equality, reproductive rights, access to health care and a right to an education and meaningful employment. It also highlights the need for more women in leadership  - be it in their local communities or nationally. More...

25 mars 2017

NTEU throws support behind calls for universities to take direct action on stopping sexual harassment and assault

By Terri Macdonald. An online article reports that the incidence of sexual harrassment and assault is still shockingly high - an FOI request by the advocacy group revealed that there were 500 official complaints of sexual assault or harassment at universities over the past five years, 145 of which related specifically to rape.  However, only six people were expelled as a result of of the complaints. More...

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