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1 mars 2016

Is your child taking a test? When is the right time?

The ConversationBy . Standardized tests have become the primary tool for determining a student’s academic ability. Legislators and administrators use test data to evaluate the effectiveness of schooling on children and create curriculum. More...

1 mars 2016

There’s a new addiction on campus: Problematic Internet Use (PIU)

The ConversationBy and . Problematic Internet Use is now considered to be a behavioral addiction with characteristics that are similar to substance use disorders. More...
1 mars 2016

Why there are no limits to your willpower

The ConversationBy . We’ve all experienced those moments when we’ve been working really hard on a task, finally finish and feel like a well-deserved break so we grab a coffee and relax for a few moments. What goes through your mind next. More...
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