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26 février 2020

Construisez votre portefeuille de compétences avec l'outil Transférence

Construisez votre portefeuille de compétences avec l'outil Transférence
Identifiez les compétences que vous mobilisez chaque jour, repérez et valorisez celles qui sont nécessaires à une évolution de vie professionnelle. Plus...
17 février 2020

No Portfolio? What’s your excuse?

No Portfolio? What’s your excuse?
By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. No Portfolio? What’s your excuse? Various authors, Hacker Noon, 2019/04/01I've written in the past that employees of the future will be selected based on their portfolio of actual work rather than based on proxies like...
14 février 2020

The ePortfolio Hijacked

The ePortfolio Hijacked
By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. The ePortfolio Hijacked It's sort of like a scholastic Heisenberg principle: any assessment changes the nature of the thing being assessed. This is most clearly the case when we look at a student's creative work, as...
3 février 2020

Making a Difference

Making a Difference
By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Making a Difference 'Free Rice' is a program that gives rice to the U.N. World Food Program people if you define words for them. Get the word right and you successfully donate ten grains of rice. If you're wondering...
31 janvier 2020

Announcing Freefolio - a Social E-Portfolio

Announcing Freefolio - a Social E-Portfolio
By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Announcing Freefolio - a Social E-Portfolio Graham Attwell and Ray Elferink have created and release, as open source, Freefolio, an e-portfolio system. "Why didn't we work with an existing system? We thought very hard...
31 janvier 2020

E-Portfolios – the DNA of the Personal Learning Environment?

E-Portfolios – the DNA of the Personal Learning Environment?
By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. E-Portfolios – the DNA of the Personal Learning Environment? A core value of the Personal Learning Environment (PLE) is in facilitating reflection. "Facilitating reflection is not simple within a largely 'input based'...
21 janvier 2020

U Michigan expands portfolio with FutureLearn

U Michigan expands portfolio with FutureLearn
By Kerrie Kennedy . The University of Michigan has announced a new partnership with UK-based social learning platform FutureLearn to offer three online learning experiences beginning in October. More...
13 novembre 2019

Correspondence On Digital Archives and ePortfolios

Correspondence On Digital Archives and ePortfolios
By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Correspondence On Digital Archives and ePortfolios Helen Barrett receives an email from Mike Caulfield describing an Inverted LMS, which turns out to be the PLE, independently discovered. More here. She also gets a note...
22 octobre 2019

E-Portfolios - the DNA of the Personal Learning Environment?

E-Portfolios - the DNA of the Personal Learning Environment?
By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. E-Portfolios - the DNA of the Personal Learning Environment? "The idea behind the e-Portfolio," writes Graham Attwell in this long discourse on PLEs, "is that students should be able to use their own tools for learning."...
10 octobre 2019

Creating ePortfolios with Web 2.0 Tools

Creating ePortfolios with Web 2.0 Tools
By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Creating ePortfolios with Web 2.0 Tools Helen Barrett consolidates some of her work on e-portfolios and Web 2.0. "One advantage of Web 2.0 tools is that many of them are free, although WikiSpaces may place ads on the...
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