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6 juin 2016

Professor criticises performance-based funding formula

Facing budget constraints and demand for greater accountability in higher education, states are tying public college and university funding to the institutions’ ability to retain and graduate students. But a new paper from the Century Foundation argues that such performance-based funding models are reinforcing disparities within public higher education and doing little to move the needle on completion, writes Danielle Doublas-Gabriel for The Washington Post. Read more...

3 juin 2016

Participation in the Virtual Environment of Blended College Courses: An Activity Study of Student Performance

International Review of Research in Open and Distributed LearningThis paper describes a study of success factors in the introductory semester of liberal studies blended courses offered at the bachelor of science level. The influence of student participation in the online course environment was examined, as measured by the number of times students logged into the learning management system (LMS) and average session length. More...

31 mai 2016

States that tie funding to performance have it wrong, report says

University Business LogoBy Stefanie Botelho. Facing budget constraints and demand for greater accountability in higher education, states are tying public college and university funding to the schools’ ability to retain and graduate students. More...

27 mai 2016

Performance pay for teachers will create a culture of fear and isolation

The ConversationBy . The federal government announced a series of education reforms in the recent budget. One of these was linking pay to performance for teachers. Yet linking teacher pay to demonstrated competency, usually called “performance pay” or “merit pay”, is not supported by evidence and damaging. More...
15 mai 2016

La fin annoncée de l’entretien annuel, ou comment mieux évaluer la performance ?

logo Entreprise & CarrièresPar Guillaume Le Nagard. Lourd, procédurier, chronophage, stressant … Les critiques portant sur l’entretien annuel d’évaluation se multiplient dans la sphère RH. Mais seules quelques grandes entreprises pionnières ont commencé à déployer une alternative, avec des entretiens plus fréquents, sans notation, qui visent à mesurer non seulement des résultats individuels mais aussi un niveau de contribution au collectif, des capacités de coopération. Voir l'article...

14 mai 2016

Akamai tackles key mobile performance challenges

eCampus NewsAkamai Technologies, Inc., provider content delivery network (CDN) services, has unveiled several major advances to Akamai Ion, the company’s flagship web performance solution. More...

5 mai 2016

EUA Webinar: Performance-based funding of Universities

This webinar will give an overview of performance-based funding of universities in Europe based on EUA’s latest publication on the topic. The focus will be on funding formulae with output indicators (such as numbers of graduates) and performance contracts. Furthermore the webinar will discuss the opportunities, risks and limits of performance-based funding and offer advice and good practice examples from across Europe. More...

25 avril 2016

Research Project on Performance-Based Funding

HomeAn ongoing study conducted by Research for Action, a Philadelphia-based nonprofit research organization, looked at the effect of performance-based funding policies in higher education across three states: Indiana, Ohio and Tennessee. The group released early results from the work over the weekend at the annual meeting of the American Education Research Association. Read more...

6 avril 2016

Financial Performance of Australian Universities in 2014

LH Martin InstituteBy Frank Larkins & Ian Marshman. The latest publicly available financial data for Australian Universities are for 2014. Universities sourced revenues of $27.15 billion and expended $25.34 billion for their higher education and independent operations. Some 60.4% of funding came from government sources, including HECS payments. The University of Melbourne had the most revenue at $2.12 billion, equivalent to $590,440 per academic staff FTE. Five universities had revenues of more than $1.6 billion. These five highest revenue earners had a combined income that was more than the total revenues for the 22 smallest universities. More...

2 avril 2016

National learning analytics service: could it feed into the TEF?

By Chris Havergal. New ‘world-first’ Jisc project will allow students to compare their performance against their classmates’. More...

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