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14 février 2020

My Suicidal High School Years: A Happy-Ending Bullying Story

My Suicidal High School Years: A Happy-Ending Bullying Story
By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. My Suicidal High School Years: A Happy-Ending Bullying Story "I was bullied for two years in high school. Every day," writes Clay Burrell. "But this story does things differently. It's to the bullied. It tells them that,...
28 janvier 2020

The Next Testing Scandal

The Next Testing Scandal
Don't dwell on the Varsity Blues scandal, writes Ben Paris. Focus on the ways there are advantages, in plain sight, to cheat. More...
25 janvier 2020

Soldes et vigilance jusqu’au 31 janvier 2020

Soldes et vigilance jusqu’au 31 janvier 2020
Synonymes de « bonnes affaires », les soldes riment parfois avec arnaques. En ce début d’année 2020, en Guadeloupe, les soldes sont prévues du 4 janvier au 31 janvier. Plus...
23 janvier 2020

Flagrant délit de tromperie sur l’origine des tomates en Bretagne

Flagrant délit de tromperie sur l’origine des tomates en Bretagne
Lors de deux contrôles effectués le 28 juillet et le 10 août 2017 auprès d’un grossiste en fruits et légumes, les services de la DDPP des Côtes-d’Armor et de la Direccte Bretagne ont mis en évidence un flagrant délit de tromperie sur l’origine. Plus....
23 janvier 2020

Rénovation énergétique : faire ses travaux sans tomber dans le panneau !

Rénovation énergétique : faire ses travaux sans tomber dans le panneau !
Depuis plusieurs années, la DGCCRF observe un niveau particulièrement élevé d’infractions graves dans le secteur de la rénovation énergétique (isolation, installations de panneaux solaires, etc.). Plus...
21 janvier 2020

US: ICE defends fake university sting operation

US: ICE defends fake university sting operation
By Kerrie Kennedy . Amid widespread criticism over the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s university sting operation set up to identify bogus agencies and their international student clients, federal law enforcement agencies are defending the undercover...
15 janvier 2020

ICE arrests more int’l students at fake university

ICE arrests more int’l students at fake university
By Kerrie Kennedy . An advocacy group in the US has said they are grappling with an “unprecedented” number of arrests of Indian students who were enrolled at a fake university that was created by the Department of Homeland Security in a bid to clamp down...
15 janvier 2020

US: Fake ‘uni’ sting could harm int’l numbers

US: Fake ‘uni’ sting could harm int’l numbers
By Kerrie Kennedy . A fake university set up by the US Department of Homeland Security in a bid to catch out foreign nationals who were planning to stay in the country illegally could “hurt the confidence” of genuine international students looking to...
15 janvier 2020

Everybody Does It

Everybody Does It
By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Everybody Does It OK, I never cheated in school. Not out of any great virtue - mostly, I didn't need to, and when I would have needed it, I didn't get along well enough with my classmates to share answers. But also -...
15 janvier 2020

US: court finds DHS contradiction in fake uni case

US: court finds DHS contradiction in fake uni case
By Viggo Stacey. A US appeals court has ruled that students enrolled at a sham university – set up by Department of Homeland Security to catch brokers of fraudulent student visas – were victims of fraud, and those students can now take the US government...
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