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31 décembre 2019

Les diverses réalités des formations initiales en environnement

Les diverses réalités des formations initiales en environnement
En collaboration avec Défi métiers, le Commissariat général au Développement durable a publié un 4 pages, dans la collection "Le Point Sur", présentant la diversité des formations initiales en environnement. Plus...
25 décembre 2019

GREF Bretagne - Un état des lieux de l’environnement en Bretagne

GREF Bretagne - Un état des lieux de l’environnement en Bretagne
Le GIP Bretagne environnement a été créé par l'État et le Conseil régional de Bretagne « Dans le cadre de la mise en cohérence de la politique régionale en matière d’accès et de diffusion de l’information environnementale (…), Ils ont souhaité se doter...
15 décembre 2019

Pollution de l'air en Inde et en Chine : comment sortir du brouillard ?

Pollution de l'air en Inde et en Chine : comment sortir du brouillard ?
Plus de 1000 microgrammes de particules fines par mètre cube d'air en 2013 à Pékin. Plus de 800 début novembre à New Delhi. Dès lors que l'OMS recommande de ne pas dépasser une concentration moyenne annuelle de 10 microgrammes, les chiffres appellent...
7 décembre 2019

Strengthening development in the face of the climate crisis and environmental degradation

Strengthening development in the face of the climate crisis and environmental degradation
The climate emergency and broader environmental destruction — from forest devastation to loss of biodiversity to depleted water supplies — are challenging international aid agencies’ collective ability to support sustainable development. More...
7 décembre 2019

Fighting the climate emergency? Enter national development banks

Fighting the climate emergency? Enter national development banks
Developing countries are at the forefront of the ongoing battle to address climate change. Roughly 60% of the new infrastructure built before 2030 will be in the developing world, and it is these investment decisions that will determine our collective...
7 décembre 2019

Why is the OECD looking at the environment?

Why is the OECD looking at the environment?
During the question and answer session at a conference on sustainable infrastructure last year, a young audience member asked the question: “Why is the OECD, an economic organisation, working on environmental issues?” At first blush, this question might...
30 novembre 2019

Hundreds of thousands of students join global climate strikes

Hundreds of thousands of students join global climate strikes
Hundreds of thousands of young people have taken to the streets from Manila to Copenhagen as part of the latest student climate strikes to demand radical action on the unfolding ecological emergency. More...
30 novembre 2019

Air pollution kills five people in Bristol each week, study shows

Air pollution kills five people in Bristol each week, study shows
Toxic air contributes to health conditions such as asthma, cancer and stroke, say experts. More...
29 novembre 2019

Network Learning Environments and Hypertext: Constructing Personal and Shared Knowledge Spaces

Network Learning Environments and Hypertext: Constructing Personal and Shared Knowledge Spaces
By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Network Learning Environments and Hypertext: Constructing Personal and Shared Knowledge Spaces This is a very nice paper from 1993 that I found while looking up something else. It just goes to show that the ideas we...
29 novembre 2019

My Personal Learning Environment (PLE)

My Personal Learning Environment (PLE)
By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. My Personal Learning Environment (PLE) Interesting diagram of a personal learning network offered by David Delgado. He writes, in the explanation, "the learner chooses their own personal learning environment, taking...
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