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21 juillet 2009

The Bologna Process and Europe-Asia dialogue

Regional Higher Education Cooperation in the Next Decade: The Bologna Process and Europe-Asia dialogue, 1-3 July, 2009, Brussels, Belgium.
The Bologna Process and the European Higher Education Area meet increasing interest and attention by universities and governments around the world.
In Asia, higher education reform is increasingly discussed in a regional setting and proposals to create tools for recognition and mobility have been tabled. The Bologna process is certainly a reference point, and the interest to cooperate with Europe on such reform is high.
The present Round Table invited senior leadership and management from Asian and European higher education institutions, organisations and government agencies to discuss some of the Bologna issues in more detail, in order to get a better understanding of the overall reform process. Equal attention was paid to evolving regional reform processes in Asia, and the implications they may have on European-Asia higher education and research cooperation.
The event included a pre-programme 'information visit' to the European Commission of the European Union and a post-programme visit to the city of Ghent and Ghent University, where guests were welcomed by the rector of Ghent University and the Ghent University Association.
While the Bologna Process is an intra-European project, it is of interest for Asia for several reasons. The European Higher Education Area (EHEA) stretches from Ireland to Russia. The latter makes it a neighbour of some Asian countries.
In addition, practically all higher education and research partners that Asia has in Europe participate in the Bologna Process, and have been undergoing and continue to undergo system changes due to the joint European reform agenda.
Therefore it is essential for Asia to know what important reform developments Europe is undergoing. It is also essential for Europe to better understand the evolving higher education landscape in Asia. Today, no higher education system can be seen in isolation. While this is a basic lesson of the Bologna Process, which enhances compatibility of national higher education systems in order to enhance exchange and cooperation, this is also true for the European Higher Education Area. Programme. Presentations. Photo Gallery.
1 décembre 2008

Adult Learning Australia

Adult Learning Australia (ALA) is the national peak body representing organisations and individuals in the adult learning field.
We are a not-for-profit entity with both organizational and individual members in all States and Territories who reflect the extraordinary diversity of adult and community learning. They include adult educators in universities, TAFE Colleges, Community Houses and adult community education providers (ACE), as well as community workers, librarians, individual tutors and trainers, volunteers and students.
ALA also has input to the MCEETYA Taskforce and the Australian Quality Framework Advisory Board (AQFAB). The national office is based in Canberra.
ALA is primarily funded (as of 1ST July 2005) by a grant from the Department of Education Science and Training (DEST), membership dues, subscriptions and project revenues. In 2006, we celebrate our 46th year as a contributor to the adult learning debate in Australia and the 11th anniversary of Adult Learners' Week celebrations.
An immediate objective is to extend our reach to workplaces in both the government and the business communities, as well as to advance awareness of the contribution to social, human and identity capital made by lifelong learning and the way these values interact and contribute to community and organisational learning.
Linked with this, ALA also has a strong interest in the contribution learning makes to active ageing in the community, and particularly where focused high quality research can positively support the retention of an ageing workforce as well as contribute to the quality of an ageing lifestyle.

 成人学习澳大利亚( ALA )的是国家最高代表机构的组织和个人在成人学习领域。
22 novembre 2008

The lifelong learning ecosystem in Korea : evolution of learning capitalism?

 logoKorean lifelong learning in practice is gradually adapted by neo-liberals and the discourses of the economic market. Considering that the public foundation of Korean education is fragile to cope with the market challenge, the whole picture of Korean learning ecology is rapidly distorted towards the establishment of the learning market and the challenge it presents to public education. This paper attempts to grasp the evolution of the lifelong learning ecosystem in Korea and to explain the meaning of the learning market in this context. I am going to argue that the emergence of the learning market changed the traditional learning ecosystem significantly; the discourse of lifelong learning in this context also rapidly deconstructs the code of 'education' and replaces the learning system to fit to learning capitalism as a part of the knowledge economy; and the Korean case clearly reveals the changes in the complex ecosystem of lifelong learning in this way.Author: Han, Soonghee. Source: International Journal of Lifelong Education, Volume 27, Number 5, September 2008 , pp. 517-524(8). Publisher: Routledge, part of the Taylor & Francis Group
La formazione permanente degli ecosistemi in Corea: l'evoluzione del capitalismo di apprendimento? Coreano l'apprendimento permanente, in pratica, è gradualmente adattato dal neo-liberali e dei discorsi del mercato economico. Considering that the public foundation of Korean education is fragile to cope with the market challenge, the whole picture of Korean learning ecology is rapidly distorted towards the establishment of the learning market and the challenge it presents to public education. Considerando che il fondamento della pubblica istruzione coreano è fragile per far fronte alla sfida del mercato, l'intera immagine del coreano apprendimento ecologia è distorta rapidamente verso la creazione del mercato di apprendimento e la sfida si presenta al pubblico di istruzione.


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