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4 juin 2011

QS World University Rankings by Subject 2011: Arts & Humanities latest QS World University Rankings by Subject release is the Arts and Humanities university rankings, providing the 2011 rankings for the top 200 universities in the world offering arts and humanities degrees.
Il est très intéressant de voir comment les Universités françaises classées y sont présentées.
Cinq établissements français figurent dans ce classement "Arts and Humanities": Paris 1, Panthéon-Sorbonne, Paris 4, Sorbonne, Paris 7, Diderot, l'ENS Paris et Strasbourg.

Choose your subject
English Language and Literature Rankings.
Dans cette catégorie, deux universités françaises. La première, Paris 4, est classée entre 51-100, la seconde, Paris 7 entre 151-200.

The University of Paris-Sorbonne Paris IV offers the widest range of subjects in arts, languages and social sciences of all Paris universities. The University is simultaneously a large undergraduate university and one of the most prestigious research universities in the world.
Paris 7 Is situated in the first university region of France: the French island that has less than 17 universities and some 250 000 students. Like other well known universities , the university Paris 7 - Denis Diderot provides high standard education to students in the bachelors, masters and doctorate studies. Nevertheless, Paris 7 is unique in comparison to the other 8 parisian universities due to its multidisciplinary curriculum. With 2300 faculties, researchers and 1100 administrative and technical support personnel, Paris 7 welcomes today 27000 students and offers a wide range of disciplines that cover 3 sectors : the letters and the human sciences, the sciences and health. Paris 7 groups together more than 130 teams and laboratories that take an innovative research on an international scale and more half are associated with well known research organizations such as CNRS, INSERM...

Modern Languages Rankings.

Dans cette catégorie, trois établissements français. Le premier, Paris 4, est classée 19e mondiale, les seconds et troisième, l'ENS Paris et Paris 1, Panthéon-Sorbonne, sont classés entre 51-100.
The Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS Paris) ranks first - not only in France but in continental Europe as a whole - according to the Times Higher Education Supplement. The ENS has held this preeminent position for years running and is widely considered to be the most selective and most challenging institution of higher learning and research in France.
Founded in 1794, the ENS has long been a national legend. Unrivaled in training leading French intellectuals in all fields the ENS counts amongst its alumni such figures as Henri Bergson, Jean-Paul Sartre, Michel Foucault, Louis Pasteur, Paul Langevin and Laurent Schwartz. In mathematics all French Fields Medals are held by ENS alumni, as are all 12 French Nobel prizes across all disciplines. Since 1945, the ENS has garnered half of the National Research (CNRS) Gold Medals, France's topmost research award. Nearly every field of knowledge and research is represented at the ENS. Because of its competitive admittance process, the ENS has the luxury of remaining on a human scale : it counts approximately 2500 students. Most research centers and facilities, even student dormitories, are situated in the historical buildings of the rue d'Ulm, located in the heart of Paris' student Latin Quarter. Unlike other French universities, the ENS prides itself on fostering a true community of students and a rich campus life. Intellectual and cultural events abound, from conferences, films, concerts and debates, to athletic and social events, to cozy cafés and welcoming restaurants both inside and nearby school buildings. Students are selected for their intellectual promise, on the basis of their synthetic and critical faculties, as well as the breadth and depth of their knowledge in one or more academic field, in either the sciences or the humanities. Enrolled students are completing or have just completed their undergraduate studies. Upon matriculation from the ENS, students can obtain the prestigious "ENS Diploma" (an advanced M.A) or a Ph.D. degree. The ENS is internationally renowned for its outstanding research teams and laboratories, and for excellence in training through research: it fosters creativity and innovation through the best of intellectual environments. Every student engages with the leading French and international academics in his field and benefits from close one-on-one tutorship with the advisor of his choosing. The ENS renowned libraries are another of its many assets; the main humanities library, for instance, has a remarkable collection of open-stack books, a rarity much envied in Paris and in France. The Ecole Normale Supérieure is increasingly seeking to recruit outstanding international students. An International Selection process was established in 2002: every spring, twenty foreign students are admitted for a period of three years during which they receive a monthly 1000 euro stipend. Foreign students may enroll for one or more years through one of the many exchange programs, and also apply directly.
With eight hundred years of excellence to build on, the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, a descendant of the Sorbonne and the Faculty of Law and Economics of Paris, is one of the largest universities in France today. Some forty thousand students are enrolled in 14 teaching and research departments (Unités de Formation et de Recherche) and 5 Institutes, which offer top level degree courses in law, political science, economics, management and the humanities. The university is located in the heart of the Latin quarter, in the largest campus in the world, and occupies part of the Sorbonne and other prestigious French university buildings. Paris I is at the centre of a rich network of international relations stretching across the five continents and continues to play a major role in the training of researchers, academics, judges, lawyers, senior managers and top French civil servants. At the cross-roads of tradition and modernity, Paris 1 is at the forefront of research and teaching in the fields of European studies, international relations, management and communications. It aims to be a major pole of research and learning in Europe in the 21st century.

History Rankings.

Dans cette catégorie, une seule Université française figure au classement au 41e rang: Paris 1, Panthéon-Sorbonne.

Philosophy Rankings.

Dans cette catégorie, quatre établissements français. Le premier, Paris 4, est classée 30e mondiale, le second, Paris 1, Panthéon-Sorbonne, est classé 47e, et troisième, l'ENS Paris est classé entre 51-100 et Strasbourg est classé entre 101-150.
Since January 1st 2009, three universities located in Strasbourg: Louis Pasteur, Marc Bloch and Robert Schuman have merged to form the new University of Strasbourg. Thus we only provide for this year's survey compiled data for this new institution. The University of Strasbourg is now a unique, comprehensive university covering all the fields of higher education. It is also the largest French university: 41058 students (including 20.5% foreign students), 11423 trainees in lifelong education, 4635 permanent staff (including 2477 teaching staff, 1872 technical and administrative staff), associated with 1386 researchers, engineers, technicians and administrative staff of the research organizations (CNRS, Inserm and INRA). Courses are taught in 37 faculties, schools and institutes, and research performed in 86 laboratories and research centers. The University of Strasbourg is strongly research-oriented and nearly 400 doctoral theses are submitted annually. It is also a university in the heart of the city of Strasbourg, located on 4 major sites and several other locations in the region of Alsace, counting more than 110 buildings (600 000 m2) and 80 hectares of land. The University of Strasbourg has also a strong commitment to build an Upper Rhine academic community with the Universities of Basel, Freiburg, Karlsruhe and Mulhouse.
Geography & Area Studies Rankings.

Dans cette catégorie, une seule Université française figure au classement entre 101-150: Paris 1, Panthéon-Sorbonne.

Linguistics Rankings.
Aucune université française n'est classée dans cette catégorie.
1 juin 2011

QS lance le 1er classement international des universités par discipline 2011, QS, Quacquarelli Symonds publie pour la 1ère fois, un classement mondial des institutions d’enseignement supérieur par discipline ainsi qu’un classement par région, en complément du classement international annuel des 600 premières universités, qu’il produit depuis 2004.
A l’écoute des étudiants du nouveau millénaire

Les étudiants, de plus en plus mobiles, cherchent à postuler auprès des universités les plus reconnues pour la discipline dans laquelle ils souhaitent étudier. C’est pourquoi, cette 1ère évaluation globale des points d’excellence des institutions répond parfaitement aux nouveaux besoins des étudiants du monde entier. En effet, la plupart des étudiants savent ce qu’ils veulent étudier (droit, médecine, sciences, art, etc.), mais se montrent plus incertains quant au choix de l’institution.
L’ENS de Paris et l’Ecole Polytechnique au top !

Lors d’un colloque exceptionnel à l’Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS) de Paris le 18 mai dernier, QS a dévoilé en avant-première ses premiers résultats pour le domaine des sciences naturelles, classement dorénavant disponible sur leur site internet:
L’ENS de Paris a été classée 16ème en Physique et Astronomie, université française la mieux classée parmi les 11 universités présentes. Pour les autres matières, voici les universités françaises les plus performantes qui se classent dans les 50ères universités du monde :
    Sciences environnementales : l’Université Joseph Fourier de Grenoble se classe 42e
    Physique et Astronomie : l’Ecole Polytechnique ParisTech décroche la 29e place
    Métallurgie et Matériel : l’ENS de Paris obtient la 46e place
    Mathématiques : l’X se classe 22e alors que l’ENS de Paris est en 29e position
    Sciences de la Terre et Marines : l’Université Pierre et Marie Curie est 49e
Le classement international des universités pour le domaine de l’ingénierie et des technologies vient aussi d’être publié, l’Ecole Polytechnique est la seule université française présente dans le top 50. Elle se classe 24e en ingénierie électrique et électronique, et 29e en mécanique et aéronautique.
Une méthodologie inédite et pertinente

La méthodologie de ce classement a été mis sur pied par le QS Intelligence Unit en consultation avec un comité consultatif international constitué d’académiques de premier plan. Le classement repose sur trois indicateurs de qualité (la réputation académique, la réputation auprès des employeurs et le nombre de citations par article de recherche), qui sont pondérés en fonction de l’importance et de la pertinence de ces trois mesures dans l’appréciation de la performance de chaque discipline. A titre d’exemple, le positionnement des universités de médecine se juge davantage sur la base de la qualité de leur recherche (pondérée à hauteur de 40% dans le score final) que pour les universités de droit (indicateur des citations pondéré à hauteur de 10%). QS World University Rankings, très apprécié des académiques, des professionnels, des étudiants, et des gouvernements s’est imposé en quelques années comme une référence auprès des divers acteurs de l’enseignement supérieur, et cherche continuellement à développer des systèmes de classement et de notation innovants et adaptés à l’évolution du monde de l’Education.
Forthcoming Rankings: between April 2011 and June 2011, we will be releasing the following QS World University® Subject Rankings: Social Sciences and Management Rankings and Arts and Humanities Rankings. More...
31 mai 2011

Les classements des chercheurs en question Alain PEREZ. « T' as combien de "publis" cette année. » « Pas terrible. Je vais perdre ma subvention européenne. » Ce dialogue illustre la réalité du slogan anglo-saxon « publish or perish ». Les classements comparatifs entre chercheurs, laboratoires et universités se multiplient et ces comparaisons sont parfois cruelles. « En 2003, Shanghai a été un choc pour la communauté française », résume Monique Canto-Sperber, directrice de l'Ecole nationale supérieure de Paris (ENS).
Ces bilans, partiellement construits sur la production scientifique, intéressent au premier chef les gouvernements souhaitant mesurer le bon usage de la dépense publique. Ils concernent aussi les industriels désireux de muscler leur R&D en signant des partenariats avec des centres académiques réputés pour leur expertise. Ils passionnent enfin les étudiants partisans de la globalisation de l'enseignement supérieur. « Ils sont mobiles et exigeants. Ils choisissent les filières offrant les meilleures opportunités de carrière », indique Mikaël Butterbach, responsable du recrutement chez Airbus. By Alain Perez. "You got how many" published "this year. "Not terrible. I'll lose my European subsidy. "This dialogue illustrates the reality of Anglo-Saxon slogan" publish or perish ". Comparative rankings between researchers, laboratories and universities are increasing and these comparisons are sometimes cruel. "In 2003, Shanghai was a shock to the French community," says Monique Canto-Sperber, Director of the Ecole Nationale Superieure de Paris (ENS). More...
19 mai 2011

IREG Ranking Audit Rules adopted, 17 May 2011. The Executive Committee of IREG Observatory on Ranking and Excellence adopted the IREG Ranking Audit Rules. The document describes in detail the criteria and procedure that will be used in assessing the quality of rankings.
The purpose of an audit, conducted by independent academic teams, will be to verify if a ranking under review was done professionally, and  observes good practices, providing students, their parents and employers with information allowing them to compare and assess programs offered by higher education institutions. In their proceedings the audit teams will be guided by the Berlin Principles on Ranking of Higher Education Institutions, adopted at the IREG-2 conference in 2006.
The Ranking Audit rules have been adopted following broad and open discussions and consultations conducted at the IREG-5 conference in Berlin in October 2010 and on the IREG website. The IREG Ranking Audit is expected to:
-   enhance the transparency of rankings;
-   give users of rankings a tool to identify trustworthy rankings;
-   improve the quality of rankings.
IREG Observatory on Academic Ranking and Excellence is a non-for-profit association of ranking organization, universities and other organization interested in the improvement of the quality of international and national rankings of higher education institutions. The association has close to 20 member organizations from Asia, Europe and America.
The IREG Ranking Audit will be conducted on a voluntary basis. Any international or national ranking can ask to be audited. Rankings that pass robust evaluation will be entitled to use quality label “IREG approved”. The results of the first ranking audits are expected in the Fall 2011.
The Audit Ranking Audit Rules were announced following the General Assembly of IREG Observatory that met in Paris, 17 March 2011. Berlin Principles of IREG.
13 mai 2011

The executive education rankings decoded

Financial TimesThe annual Financial Times report on non-degree executive education programmes, now in its 12th year, includes three business school rankings: first, schools that offer open-enrolment programmes; second, providers of customised programmes; and last, a combined ranking. Open programmes are available to employees from any company or organisation. Those ranked here run for at least three days. Customised programmes are tailor-made for organisations that want to offer specific training to their employees.
This year, 65 schools are ranked in the open-enrolment group and 65 in the group for customised programmes. To be eligible, a school must have had income of at least $2m from the programme type during the previous year.
The customised ranking is compiled using data from two sets of online surveys – one for schools, another for clients. The client survey is distributed in English, French, German, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese. Business schools are asked for details of a number of top clients, who are then invited to complete an online survey about the school that nominated them. More... See also: Ask the experts: Executive Education 2011.

11 mai 2011

Classement des universités sur Facebook mois après notre dernier classement, quelles sont les pages officielles des universités françaises les plus populaires? Quel est le taux de progression des pages des universités présentes sur le réseau social aux 600 millions de membres?
Classement des 10 premières pages officielles sur Facebook par nombre de fans.
Un premier constat s’impose: ce sont globalement les mêmes pages officielles d’universités qui restent en tête de notre classement. La page de l’université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, avec un taux de progression de 77%, a gagné 5 places, puisqu’elle était en 10ème position. Entre dans le top 10: la page de l’université Paris-Sorbonne – Paris 4. Notons par ailleurs que la page officielle de l’université de Montpellier 1 est sortie du classement.
Parmi les meilleurs taux de progression, on peut citer la page officielle de l’université Lille 3, passée de 331 fans à 1181 fans en quelques mois. La page de l’université Versailles-Saint-Quentin en Yvelines a, elle aussi, connu un fort taux de progression ces derniers mois, puisqu’elle a gagné plus de 800 fans.
Quelques solutions pour acquérir de nouveaux fans :

1- Entreprendre une campagne de communication autour de votre page Facebook, ou de votre présence en ligne en général. Ils l’ont fait (entre autres) : l’UPMC et l’université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée.
2- Afficher un lien vers votre page Facebook sur votre site institutionnel, comme l’ont fait par exemple l’université Lille 3 et l’université Paul Cézanne – Aix Marseille 3.
3- Engager un community manager, comme cela se fait dans de plus en plus d’établissements d’enseignement supérieur.
4- La solution employée par l’université de la Polynésie Française est plus incitative et nécessite que les internautes aient déjà fait la démarche de se rendre sur leur page Facebook, mais peut être envisagée. Elle compte ainsi sur ses fans pour diffuser sa page.
5- Et si vous avez besoin d’être convaincu, de convaincre, de comprendre pourquoi et comment ça marche, vous pouvez encore vous inscrire à notre formation du 20 mai sur le thème « Web 2.0 : un défi pour la communication des universités ». Sitt xhur wara ranking aħħar tagħna, liema huma l-paġni uffiċjali ta 'l-universitajiet Franċiżi huma l-aktar popolari? X'inhi r-rata ta 'progressjoni ta' paġni ta 'universitajiet fuq in-netwerk soċjali's 600,000,000 membri?
uffiċjali Top ewwel paġni 10 fuq Facebook permezz ta 'fannijiet ħafna.
Punt wieħed huwa ċar: dawn huma essenzjalment l-istess uffiċjali ta 'paġni universitajiet li huma quċċata tal klassifiki tagħna. Il-paġna ta 'l-Università Claude Bernard Lyon 1, b'rata ta 'tkabbir ta' 77%, rebaħ 5 siġġijiet, peress li hija kienet fil-pożizzjoni 10. Jidhol-top 10: il-paġna ta 'l- Università ta 'Pariġi-Sorbonne - Paris 4. Innota wkoll li l-paġna uffiċjali ta 'l-Università ta 'Montpellier 1 huwa barra mill-klassifiki. Fost il-rati ta 'tkabbir aħjar jinkludu l-paġna uffiċjali ta' l-Università ta 'Lille 3, fannijiet tela 331-1181 fannijiet ftit xhur. Il-paġna ta 'l- Università ta 'Saint-Quentin Versailles en Yvelines għandha wkoll esperjenzaw rata ta 'tkabbir qawwi fl-aħħar xhur, wara li rebaħ aktar minn 800 fannijiet. More...

9 avril 2011

Rankings and Accountability in Higher Education: Uses and Misuses;pva32db540426e0dc2The UNESCO Global Forum “Rankings and Accountability in Higher Education: Uses and Misuses” (16 -17 May 2011 at UNESCO Headquarters Room II, Paris) will address University rankings in light of their impact on policy and decision-making at institutional, national and regional levels. Organized in cooperation with the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and the World Bank. More information.
University rankings attract huge public interest. They make the headlines every year and are closely scrutinized by students, institutional leaders, policy-makers and employers. Whether respected or condemned, rankings occupy an undeniable role in the perception of higher education institutions globally. How can we explain the widespread importance and influence of rankings? Why are the criteria and methodology used in rankings often controversial?
The UNESCO Global Forum “Rankings and Accountability in Higher Education: Uses and Misuses” (16 -17 May 2011 at UNESCO Headquarters, Paris) will address University rankings in light of their impact on policy and decision-making at institutional, national and regional levels. Organized in cooperation with the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and the World Bank, the Forum will contribute to the on-going debate by providing a unique opportunity for representatives of the most widely observed and influential University rankings to engage in an exciting and vibrant exchange with policy-makers and key higher education stakeholders on the merits and shortcomings of rankings and the uses made of them.
University rankings will also be discussed in the context of accountability tools intended to sustain and enhance the quality of higher education. Participants will examine accountability tools that draw on a variety of criteria and expertise such as quality assurance frameworks; benchmarking; assessment of learning outcomes; accreditation, licensing and evaluation.
The Global Forum will convene representatives of the Academic Ranking of World Universities (more commonly known as the "Shanghai Jiao Tong World Rankings"), the Times Higher Education World University Rankings, and regional and national ranking initiatives such as US News and World Report in the USA and U-Multirank in Europe as well as high-level policy-makers, academics, representatives of the media, students and employers.
Participation in the Global Forum is by invitation only. A publication based on the presentations and discussions will be widely disseminated following the event.
8 avril 2011

Etudiants étrangers et classements internationaux: une notoriété relative selon les Espaces CampusFrance précédente Note (n°13, parue en mai 2008) faisait le point sur les classements internationaux. Il s’agit ici non seulement de dresser un état des lieux et de montrer l’évolution de ces classements, mais aussi de mesurer leur audience, en particulier auprès des étudiants étrangers. Télécharger la Note n°30 de Campus France.
En interrogeant les Espaces CampusFrance, chargés dans le monde d’informer et d’orienter ces étudiants, on découvre que l’intérêt des jeunes étrangers pour ces classements internationaux est une question nationale et non régionale, liée à la culture du pays et aux types d’études auxquels ils se destinent, et qu’ils sont parfois plus intéressés par des classements nationaux dans la filière choisie que par les classements internationaux.
Il semble certain que ces classements internationaux influent sur la politique nationale de la France en matière d’enseignement supérieur. Le développement des PRES en est un bon exemple, comme étant une conséquence de la nécessité d’avoir une taille suffisante pour apparaître dans le palmarès, tout comme la loi relative aux libertés et responsabilités des universités (loi LRU) qui cherche à donner les moyens aux universités d’entrer dans la course aux meilleures places.
En résumé

L’intérêt des étudiants pour les classements internationaux est une question nationale et non régionale, liée à la culture du pays et aux types d’études auxquels se destinent les étudiants.
• Pour certains étudiants c’est une des questions prioritaires qui vient en deuxième ou troisième position dans l’ordre des questions adressées à l’Espace. C’est le cas pour la Colombie, le Chili ou l’Inde.
• Au Chili, le classement de Shanghai est même pris pour référence dans l’attribution des bourses. Ceci commence à apparaître en Amérique Centrale et en Arabie Saoudite où le fait de choisir un établissement figurant dans le classement de Shanghai est un atout pour obtenir une bourse.
• A l’inverse, certains étudiants ne s’en préoccupent pas, par exemple au Brésil ou en Russie, en tout cas en-dehors de Moscou. En Russie, en effet, comme en Chine pour d’autres raisons, la connaissance et l’intérêt des étudiants pour les classements varient selon les villes.
• Les étudiants qui s’orientent vers des formations en commerce sont souvent plus intéressés par les classements internationaux et connaissent notamment celui du Financial Times, c’est le cas dans certaines villes ou pays, à Shanghai par exemple, ou en Argentine.
• D’autres encore connaissent l’existence des classements et peuvent les évoquer, mais c’est une question secondaire par rapport à un projet préétabli. Cela peut être le cas à Taiwan ou en Chine.

Panorama des classements Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU), classement de “Shanghai”, Chine - Date de création : 2003. Depuis 2003, l’université Jiao Tong de Shanghai (Chine), publie un classement de 500 universités à travers le monde, l’Academic Ranking of World Universities, plus connu sous le nom de classement de Shangai. classement du Centrum für Hochschulentwicklung (CHE) publié par Die Zeit Allemagne - Date de création : 1998. Il s’agit d’un classement réalisé par le Centrum für Hochschulentwicklung3. Depuis 2007, le CHE élabore un classement dit d’excellence qui concerne les programmes européens de niveau Master et Doctorat en biologie, chimie, physique, mathématiques. Ce classement s’est enrichi en 2009 de programmes en sciences politiques, en psychologie et en économie. Au total, en 2010, le CHE compare des universités européennes dans 19 pays, dans sept disciplines. World University Ranking du Times Higher Education, Royaume-Uni - Date de création : 2004. Depuis 2004, le Times Higher Education (THE), magazine anglais spécialiste des questions liées à l’enseignement supérieur, publie un classement des 200 meilleurs établissements du monde. La nouveauté en 2010 vient du changement de méthodologie, suite à la rupture de partenariat entre le Times et QS (Quacquarelli Symonds). European business schools, classement du Financial Times, Royaume-Uni - Date de création : 2006. Le Financial Times publie quatre classements d’établissements supérieurs à travers le monde tout au long de l’année: MBA, Executive MBA, Formation continue et Master en management. A partir de là est construit le classement des meilleures business schools européennes, d’après les quatre précédents palmarès. Full Time MBA, classement de l’Economist, Royaume-Uni - Date de création : 2001. L’Economist publie un classement des 100 premiers Full Time MBA basé sur des critères liés aux opportunités professionnelles et aux salaires (comptant pour 55%), sur des critères de développement personnel/expérience scolaire (35%) et de réseau professionnel potentiel (10%). international professionnel des établissements d'enseignement supérieur, classement de l’Ecole des Mines de Paris (Mines ParisTech), France - Date de création : 2007. L'Ecole des Mines de Paris (Mines ParisTech) a lancé en 2007 un classement international professionnel des établissements d'enseignement supérieur, établi à partir du nombre d'anciens étudiants figurant parmi les dirigeants exécutifs des 500 plus grandes entreprises mondiales. World University Rankings™, classement général des 200 meilleures universités mondiales. Suite à la rupture de partenariat avec le Times Higher Education, QS (Quacquarelli Symonds) s’est tourné vers d’autres partenaires médias pour la publication de son classement, notamment Le Nouvel Observateur en France.
Classement de Leiden, Pays-Bas - Date de création : 2007. Basé sur des indicateurs bibliométriques, le classement de Leiden propose quatre classifications correspondant à quatre critères différents. Nota preċedenti (Nru 13, ippubblikat f'Mejju 2008) ħadet kont tal-klassifiki internazzjonali. Dan mhux biss biex iħejju inventarju u juru l-evoluzzjoni ta 'dawn klassifiki, iżda wkoll biex ikejlu l-udjenza tagħhom, partikolarment fost l-istudenti. Download Nota Nru 30 ta 'Franza Campus. More...

31 mars 2011

Questions Abound as the College-Rankings Race Goes Global Ellen Hazelkorn. It is amazing that more than two decades after U.S. News & World Report first published its special issue on "America's Best Colleges," and almost a decade since Shanghai Jiao Tong University first published the Academic Ranking of World Universities, rankings continue to dominate the attention of university leaders. Indeed, the range of people watching them now includes politicians, students, parents, businesses, and donors. Simply put, rankings have caught the imagination of the public and have insinuated their way into public discourse and almost every level of government. There are even iPhone applications to help individuals and colleges calculate their ranks.
More than 50 country-specific rankings and 10 global rankings are available today, including the European Union's new U-Multirank, due this year. What started as small-scale, nationally focused guides for students and parents has become a global business that heavily influences higher education and has repercussions well beyond academe.
Meanwhile, much has been said and written about the methodological problems with the various rankings. Suffice it to say, there is no such thing as an objective ranking. Rather, rankings attempt to measure and compare performance and quality using a range of indicators, weighed according to the values and judgments of the ranking organizations. By aggregating scores to a single digit, top-ranked institutions determine the "norm" against which all other institutions are measured.
Rankings are essentially one-dimensional, since each indicator is considered independently. But in reality the indicators are interdependent. For example, older, well-endowed private universities are more likely to have better faculty-student ratios and per-student expenditures than those of newer, public institutions.
The battle among ranking organizations for supremacy has not resolved the underlying questions: Is it possible to measure or compare "whole" institutions across different missions and national and financial contexts? And is it possible to measure quality through measurements of quantity?
Beyond the methodological problems, rankings are seen as influencing—in both positive and perverse ways—the behavior of institutions, students, government officials, employers, and philanthropists. Most of the evidence has derived from the United States, where rankings have the longest history, but similar trends are emerging from around the world. International evidence consistently shows that college presidents believe rankings play a significant role in establishing and securing institutional position and reputation. Other colleges use rankings to help identify potential partners, assess membership of international networks and organizations, and for measuring themselves. High-achieving students use rankings to "shortlist" their college choices, especially at the graduate level. Donors, companies, and policy makers use rankings to influence their decisions about financing, sponsorship, and employee recruitment.
According to a 2006 survey that I conducted for the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development and the International Association of Universities, the overwhelming majority of university presidents have made efforts to improve their institutions' positions. This includes reshaping ambitions and goals, often expressed as a desire to be a top-tier institution or within the top 20, 50, or 100 in global rankings. Some universities are restructuring to create larger, more research-intensive units, or altering the balance between teaching and research or between undergraduate and graduate activities. Resources are being redirected toward fields and departments that are more productive (usually the biosciences) or toward faculty members who are more prolific, especially at the international level, and thus likeliest to move the indicators upward. Recruitment strategies are aimed at talented students and faculty from high-ranking universities, or at capacity-building professors. But faculty members are not innocent victims. Plenty of evidence suggests that they use rankings to raise their own professional standing and are unlikely to collaborate with lower-ranked universities.
Much less, however, is known about the influence of rankings on policy makers. Simply put, as the provider of human capital and a primary source of new knowledge and technology transfer, higher education is commonly viewed as a key engine of the economy. Annualized rankings are quickly converted into a table that usually aggregates the top 100 universities by nation. Rankings appear to pronounce on a nation's capacity to participate in world science and the global economy. Governments use rankings to guide the restructuring of higher education because societies that are attractive to investment in research and innovation and highly skilled mobile talent will be more successful globally.
China, Finland, France, Germany, India, Japan, Latvia, Malaysia, Russia, Singapore, Spain, South Korea, Taiwan, and Vietnam, for example, have introduced policy initiatives with the primary objective of creating "world-class" universities, using definitions drawn most notably from the Academic Ranking of World Universities and previously Times Higher Education-QS World University Rankings. This involves providing funds to a few universities or encouraging mergers between smaller universities or between universities and research institutes. Unease that Europe's universities stood at a crossroads was what propelled the European Commission to champion the new EU rankings.
Even countries with few national resources are caught up. In January, Macedonia announced that Shanghai Jiao Tong University had been asked to evaluate public and private universities there to "see where we stand in regard to the quality." Macedonia had already introduced a law to automatically recognize degrees from the world's top 500 ranked universities. Kazakhstan, Mongolia, and Qatar award scholarships only to students admitted to highly ranked (top 100) universities, while Dutch and Danish immigration laws favor people with degrees from the world's top universities.
In the United States, some state university systems' governing boards, like those in Arizona and Florida, have benchmarked presidential salaries to improvements in rankings, or have used rankings as a way to evaluate and set goals for their flagship universities. This year Gov. Sam Brownback of Kansas linked the revitalization of the state's economy and taxpayer confidence with the ranking of its universities: "We've got to have institutions in ascendancy in their rankings." Indiana, Minnesota, and Texas use rankings in assessment reports as a way of evaluating their universities.
There is little disputing the need for higher education to be transparent and accountable. By making performance visible, rankings challenge complacency. But they are also being used to set policy on the basis of questionable data and imperfect methodologies. Annual comparisons are misguided because institutions do not and cannot change significantly from year to year. In addition, many of the indicators or their proxies have only an indirect relationship to educational quality. As for research, bibliometric and citation practices not only undermine the value of the arts, humanities, and social sciences, but also privilege researchers in developed countries and those writing in English, in a select range of journals.
What happens when the indicators or the weightings change? There is an assumption that the indicators represent an objective truth, fixed in time, and that institutional or national strategies can use them to identify targets, say, five to 10 years hence. But the indicators are determined by commercial or independent organizations. If the indicators change, does policy change accordingly? And if so, who is setting higher-education strategy?
31 mars 2011

University Rankings Take Root in Latin America Andrew Downie, São Paulo, Brazil. The growing influence of university rankings has reached Latin America, with governments, news media, and private researchers drawing up domestic versions that they say are important for the institutions and students alike. Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, and Peru each have at least one national ranking. Some were first published in recent months, and all use different approaches to evaluate their higher-education institutions.
A few, such as in Chile, are produced by news-media companies. Others, as in Colombia, were carried out by independent researchers. And some, like Brazil, are not so much rankings as government-sanctioned ratings. Whatever their origin, they all serve a purpose that goes beyond boasting or one-upmanship, experts say. The rankings put pressure on lagging universities to up their game, and they give government officials, students, and parents a useful yardstick.
"Global rankings are very important. But there are close to 15,000 higher-education institutions in the world, and the global ranking deals with only 400, 500 of them," says Kazimierz Bilanow, managing director of the Warsaw-based International Observatory on Academic Rankings and Excellence. "There are millions and millions of students who never think of going to Harvard. But they want to go to university and get an education, so they look at their own country. National rankings give them some guidance." Brazil is one of the few countries in the region that has produced an official measure, the National System of Higher Education Evaluation.
The Sinaes, as it is known by its Portuguese-language acronym, evaluates student-learning outcomes and reviews institutions annually. The findings are used by the Ministry of Education in accrediting colleges and academic programs.
Institutions with unsatisfactory scores three years in a row are forbidden to add academic programs or take on new students. They must commit to raising standards, and their subsequent performance is monitored by the ministry. Those that fail to improve after six months are closed down.
Some 1,695 colleges and universities and 6,804 academic programs in Brazil were evaluated in 2009, and 15 institutions received failing marks for a third consecutive year. "When the results come out, they can see where they need to improve," says Claudia Griboski, director of higher-education evaluation at the education ministry. "They know that if having a Ph.D on the staff carries more weight, then they will hire more Ph.D's."
Some institutions with failing grades have challenged the scores and the methodology. But others acknowledge the importance of a rating system and say poor scores will spur them to do better. "We lost points in items that are about a better feeling of the students toward infrastructure and availability of information," says Marcos Julio, academic pro-rector of Grande ABC University, which was "failed" by government auditors. "Since the result was not positive, we will change the practices and the way the university is acting."
Different Methods

The Colombia ranking, published in January by Boletín Científico Sapiens Research, a scientific journal, is more independent. A local researcher, Carlos-Roberto Peña-Barrera, worked out a model and then spent 11 months compiling a ranking from official data and Education Ministry statistics. He used three main criteria: number of graduate students; number of academic journals registered by each institution with Publindex, a Colombian index of top-rated scientific journals; and number of groups of scientists and investigators carrying out research who are registered with Colciencias, the government's office of science and technology. He says the institutions that topped the rankings, called Ranking U-Sapiens Colombia, turned out to be the best-financed ones, which produced most of the literature.
"What this ranking showed is that you have to keep investing," Mr. Peña-Barrera says. "There is a direct economic link, and there is the publication of articles, not just scientific, but all the literature coming from the universities. You have to keep creating investigative groups." In Chile, news-media companies are taking government information and turning it into university rankings. The Chilean government, one of the most open in the region, is publishing more and more statistics on higher education, including courses most likely to lead to jobs, expected salaries on graduation, and space on campus per student.
At least two magazines are using that information, sometimes along with their own, subjective criteria, to produce annual rankings. Chilean educators say that while the rankings are not perfect, they have changed what they do because of them.
"Universities often launch finely targeted campaigns after noting they fare poorly in name recognition compared to rival institutions in more well-to-do areas, even though their scores are just as good," says Gregory Elacqua, director of the Public Policy Institute at Diego Portales University. "Universities definitely respond to [the rankings] and are worried about improving the indicators that are being used and the weights they are given."
Criticism and Skepticism

Just as with global rankings, the domestic versions provoke criticism and skepticism. Some universities, especially private ones, are reluctant to participate, particularly if they know they cannot compete with the richer, publicly financed institutions, says Jaime Contreras, director of the Chilean-university rankings for América Economia magazine.
And cross-border comparisons are tough, because each country has a distinct higher-education system, uses its own exams for entrance and graduation, and has different ways of preparing rankings, says Claudio Rama, Unesco's former director in Latin America and now dean of the business faculty at the University of Business, in Uruguay.
Nevertheless, Quacquarelli Symonds Limited, a British company, known as QS, that publishes world ranking of universities, is working on a Latin American ranking covering 300 institutions in 26 countries. It hopes to publish the results this year.
Governments, too, will continue to develop and produce tables and statistics because they are one of the most transparent ways to help decide where public money goes.
"In Brazil, the rankings have come under discussion, but the rankings are fundamental for the government to rate institutions," says Mr. Rama. "Chile's is a mechanism for the distribution of funds. And in Mexico, the list of publications is used in financing by the government." Whatever the geographical vagaries, Latin American universities are more conscious of the value of national rankings, and of the fact that in today's competitive world, they are here to stay. Universities "see the benefits of a league ranking," says Liliana Casallas, project manager for QS's Latin American rankings. "They see this as an important strategy to internationalize, and they see the potential for starting collaboration with other universities or in research collaborations or to bring international students to their campus."
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