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27 septembre 2014

Early career academics would be better off working in ‘less prestigious’ unis Anonymous academic. I’ve never felt so valued working in a post-1992 university, says our anonymous academic – fledgling academics are missing a world of opportunities in pursuing ideas of prestige. More...

21 septembre 2014

He. She. Zhe.

HomeBy Nyasha Junior. As a seasoned faculty member, my initial class prep has dwindled from months to... well, let’s just say… much less time than I needed as a rookie. I have notes from the previous semester on what worked and didn’t work, and I keep track of ideas for new readings and assignments. Instead of starting from scratch in the fall, I have a good sense of what I want to change, add, or delete. Read more...
21 septembre 2014

Beyond Research-Teaching Divide

HomeBy Christopher Leise. An informal review of recent commentary in higher-education-focused publications — particularly in recent articles focused on career failure — more or less reflects what I was taught in graduate school: placement advice typically divides positions into those focused on research and those focused on teaching. In point of fact, there are marked degrees between the research-first and teaching-first poles, gradations that many graduate students tend to assess poorly. Read more...
8 septembre 2014

Most university undergrads now taught by poorly paid part-timers

By Ira Basen. Universities increasing use of sessional, contract academic staff.
That means that despite her 16 years of service, she has no job security.  She still needs to apply to teach her courses every semester. She gets none of the perks that a full time professor gets; generous benefits and pension, sabbaticals, money for travel and research, and job security in the form of tenure that most workers can only dream about. More...

7 septembre 2014

We Could All Use a Little Tenure John Warner. If I had tenure, I’d be doing something else right now.
I’ve got a couple of writing projects I’m dying to do and tenure would help me do them.
People outside academia resent tenure. In fact, it’s so terrible, Campbell Brown wants to get rid of it for K-12 teachers as well. Read more...

31 août 2014

Contribute to researching the impact of MOOCs on career development

The MOOCKnowledge project is trying to establish a knowledge-base about experiences from participants of European Massive Open Online Courses. More...

31 août 2014

Higher ed employees sharing more of the cost for healthcare Stefanie Botelho. As a result of changes to healthcare benefits stemming from the implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), and in an effort to better control costs, many higher education institutions are passing more of the cost of healthcare along to their employees. More...

24 août 2014

Six Steps to Helping Career Changers Re-Enter the Workforce

The EvoLLLutionBy  - EvoLLLution. So, how does a higher education institution, adept at working with Jake’s children, change to better serve older career changers like Jake?
1. Make the Bureaucracy Easier
Higher education bureaucratic processes are notably complex and, especially for someone who has not been involved with an enrollment process or financial aid application for decades, it can become a barrier to access. To overcome this, institutions should offer services such as in-person service advising and registration, numerous flexible payment options, printed class summaries and a plethora of online options. Tangible items and a friendly face with a compassionate ear help ease the stress of more mature students. More...

24 août 2014

The Dispossessed Professors

By Jonathan Rees - Chronicle Vitae. “Rich fellas come up an' they die, an' their kids ain't no good an' they die out. But we keep a'comin'. We're the people that live. They can't wipe us out; they can't lick us. We'll go on forever, Pa, 'cause we're the people.”
—Jane Darwell as Ma Joad, The Grapes of Wrath, 1940.
I hated The Grapes of Wrath the first time I read it. That was in high school. I think it was because the ending was so depressing. See more...

24 août 2014

The ‘I’m About to Start a Tenure-Track Job’ Summer Checklist

By Karen Kelsky - Chronicle Vitae. What should you be doing the summer before you start a tenure-track job? How much contact should you have with your new colleagues and new chair? What questions should I be asking? I find this part confusing as someone who got a job while ABD. It is nerve-wracking to start your first tenure track job, especially if you scored it while still ABD. You’re pretty green, and you’ve only ever operated in academia as a grad student. See more...

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