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14 décembre 2014

The In-Between Times

HomeBy Nate Kreuter. The average day of a teacher-scholar without administrative responsibilities is largely unstructured. With the exceptions of teaching times, office hours, and a slate of irregular meetings, how and when a faculty member works is largely left up to the individual. Accounts of how much time our varied responsibilities consume are varied: see this and, for the contrary opinion, this. Some institutions, a minority, do require faculty members to be on campus for a certain number of hours during the week. Read more...
14 décembre 2014

The Inverse Interview

HomeBy Elizabeth H. Simmons. I recently read Edmond Lau’s terrific article for engineering job candidates, which stressed that the interviewee must ask thoughtful questions of the interviewer. Being in the middle of the faculty search season at my college, I was struck by the soundness of the advice – and the need for an article tailored to candidates for academic positions. Read more...
9 décembre 2014

Website designed to help students find career path

By Bruce Johnstone. The provincial government is launching a new career development website — — to help Saskatchewan students chart their career path and help the province fill some of the 95,000 jobs its expects to create by 2017.
“ is this province’s newest one-stop-shop for career planning,’’ said Jobs Minister Jeremy Harrison at a news conference Monday. More...

7 décembre 2014

Campus visits now include choosing a career

eCampus NewsBy Carly Morales - . The University Of Evansville (UE) may hold a unique approach suited for the future of college enrollment: A career advantage program (CAP) that gets students started with career planning as early as the first time they visit the UE campus. More...

7 décembre 2014

Why Academics Feel Overworked

HomeBy Philip Guo. Last month I documented how I've been spending my time as a new assistant professor. I've been happy with this pace so far. However, maintaining it requires me to spend a lot of energy:

  • Saying no to people's requests.
  • Planning my time so that I get done what I want without feeling overworked. Read more...
7 décembre 2014

What's Next?

HomeBy Maggie Gover. As part of my job, I mentor graduate students and early career faculty through the transition to non-academic jobs. These career-changers have usually thought long and hard about their decision to seek a non-academic career. It is not something that anyone seeking my help takes lightly. Read more...

27 novembre 2014

Adjoint administratif (A.A.) - Adja

27 novembre 2014

Secrétaire d'administration de l'éducation nationale et de l'enseignement supérieur (SAENES)

27 novembre 2014

Attachés d'administration au ministère l'éducation nationale et de l'enseignement supérieur (ADAENES)

Conditions d'accès au concours interne, missions, évolution de carrière, rémunération des attachés d'administration au ministère de l'Éducation nationale et de l'Enseignement supérieur.
Missions de l'attaché d'administration
Les missions des attachés d'administration sont disponibles dans l'article 2 du décret portant dispositions statutaires communes applicables au corps des attachés d'administration. Dispositions statutaires applicables au corps des attachés d'administration.

24 novembre 2014

Wellcome Trust announces major funding scheme changes

By . Early career researchers among those targeted for extra support. The Wellcome Trust has announced significant changes to its funding schemes, including boosting support for early career researchers and introducing a new scheme for collaborative research. More...

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