By Scott Jaschik. The Association of American Colleges and Universities (AACU) asked groups of employers and college students a series of similar questions about career preparation. They could be scary reading for many students and the college educators who are trying to prepare them for careers. AACU is releasing the survey results today, in advance of the annual meeting at which the group will mark its centennial. Read more...
Tips for surviving the academic job search season
By Jennifer Polk. On Tuesday evening I spoke at an event on imposter syndrome organized by Grad Minds, a student group at the University of Toronto. One audience member asked about how to keep her spirits up at this time of year, when academic hiring is in full swing. More..
Career Choices

Reach Out to Your Program Officer

The Only Resolution You Need

How to Ruin a Date With an Academic in 5 Words

Losing an Office, Gaining Perspective
By Robert Zaretsky. This year I marked my 25th year of teaching by losing my campus office. Not literally, of course: The room is where it has always been. But the door has shed my children’s drawings and fading New Yorker cartoons (some having aged better than others), the shelves swept of uncollected student papers and multiple desk copies of Voltaire’s Candide (have I taught the book that many times?), and the desk drawers emptied of handwritten lecture notes and thank-you cards from students. More...
Do you know what career path to take?
By Jennifer Polk. “When did you decide to leave academia?” This question, or some version of it — “How did you know that you didn’t want to be a professor?” for example — is one I’m regularly asked. It comes up in conversation, on Twitter, or when I’m on a careers panel. It’s a fair inquiry, and the questioner tends to ask because she is wrestling with making a decision about her own future. But it’s a question that I can’t answer. More...
Engaging Audiences: Episode 2 – Make it visual
By Shari Graydon. Improving your ability to communicate your research clearly and concisely can help you secure funding, impress in job interviews and even just refocus your brain when you get stuck on a paper or article. More...
Universities have a key role to play in career counselling

From its earliest origins, higher education was not about acquiring work skills but graduating students who would take up their role in society and make a contribution. Read more...