Define 'Just Fine'

On a new edition of This Week, Inside Higher Ed's free news podcast, Elena Silva of the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching and Western Washington University's Johann Neem join Inside Higher Ed's Scott Jaschik and This Week moderator Casey Green to discuss the foundation's new report on the continued viability of the credit hour in higher education. Read more...
By Chanon Adsanatham. Last fall, as I was finishing my doctorate and applying to tenure-track jobs outside my institution, I served on a search committee for assistant professor openings at my doctoral institution in my areas of study with my dissertation mentors. All of whom are senior scholars. Although I could have declined the service, I recognized that being on the committee would help me gain insights that could improve my own job search. Read more...
By Mandi Stewart. During the fall, my position as transfer admissions representative keeps me out of the office two to three days a week. This keeps me pretty out of the loop when it comes to things happening on campus. I do my best to stay as connected as possible, but when you are out of the office more days than you are in, that can get tricky. Read more...
By Liz Koblyk. Last month, I wrote about evaluating whether volunteering was worth your time. Let’s move up from unemployment to insecure employment! What do you do when you see an interesting short-term contract advertised. More...
By Jennifer Polk. After the success of last year’s conference, Maren Wood (from Lilli Research Group) and I are once again hosting Beyond the Professoriate, a two-day online conference for graduate students and PhDs. The conference will take place on two consecutive Saturdays this spring: May 2, and May 9, 2015. Day one will feature panel discussions with PhDs from a variety of educational backgrounds and careers. Day two is Professional Development Day, and will consist of several special presentations from experts in the field. For a fuller sense of things, check out last year’s schedule and speaker bios. More...
By Jonathan Thon. Today’s young academic scientists are trapped in the lab, which is not so different from a cave. Plato’s Allegory of the Cave is therefore a fitting analogy, and as a young academic scientist I have often felt that I was facing a blank wall where shadows of things passing in front of a fire behind me were projected. It is only by leaving the cave that I have come to understand that the shadows on the wall do not make up reality at all. More...
By . An education partnership has been launched to help high school students in West Fargo, Fargo and Northern Cass school districts prepare for college and 21st century technical careers. More...
By . Officials at the University of California, San Diego, had sparse information on the career success of their graduates until they set up a branded page for the university on LinkedIn a couple of years ago. More...