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12 avril 2015

Contributions and Connections

By Thomas Carey. In the academy, reputations and influence measures speak to status and standing. They circulate signals of capacity and credibility by boiling down complex indicators: the journals we publish in, the school(s) we’re affiliated with, our citation counts and h-indexes, our last grants, our ranks in the academic hierarchy. These proxies for quality combine prestige, metrics, and recognizability into a mercurial mix that can be circulated and understood across disciplines and ideological lines, but never quite reduced to its component parts. More...

12 avril 2015

Chegg Expands Counseling Services With InsideTrack

HomeThe student services company Chegg on Monday announced its users will soon be able to subscribe to career counseling from InsideTrack. The counseling service, currently in beta, will launch next month. Read more...

12 avril 2015

Evaluating Opportunities

HomeBy Kerry Ann Rockquemore. This isn’t a weird question at all! It’s actually a common one. Figuring out how to respond to an invitation to write a textbook is important, but learning how to strategically evaluate the flood of opportunities that will come to you as a tenure-track professor is even more important. Read more...

8 avril 2015

Career ready: Towards a national strategy for the mobilization of Canadian potential

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Career ready: Towards a national strategy for the mobilization of Canadian potential
Ken Coates, Canadian Council of Chief Executives (CCCE), 2015/04/01
The core of the message is in the headlines: cut university enrolment and expand colleges. It is a shot across the bow. "Canada needs to become more effective in matching skills, training and education with workforce requirements," writes Ken Coates for the Canadian Council of Chief Executives (CCCE). More...

5 avril 2015

Prolongation de la phase d'expérimentation du suivi de carrière

CNU SantéMessage envoyé aux présidents de section le 4 mars 2014
Cher(e)s collègues, président(e)s de section,
Nous avons rencontré cet après-midi Messieurs Lannaud et Stroebel de la DGRH pour faire le point sur le "suivi de carrière". Mr Lannaud a communiqué la position sur cette question adoptée par le cabinet, qui revient à prolonger en 2015 la phase d'expérimentation. Pendant cette phase, certains "assouplissements" par rapport au texte du décret sont donc maintenus, comme :
- la possibilité pour les établissements qui le souhaitent de transmettre directement les dossiers des collègues aux sections, sans passer par les conseils d'établissement
- la possibilité pour les sections d'émettre des avis séparés au collègue et à son établissement
- la possibilité pour chaque section de décider la mise en place d'une session de suivi de carrière en 2015
Sur ce dernier point, la DGRH interrogera officiellement chaque section afin de pouvoir informer les plus rapidement possible les enseignants-chercheurs de la vague A de la pertinence éventuelle de déposer un dossier.
Bien à vous,
Dominique Faudot, présidente de la CP-CNU
Jean Orloff, vice-président de la CP-CNU. Voir l'article...

31 mars 2015

But How Did Study Abroad Help Me In My Career?

Abroad101 BlogWhen I arrived in Barajas Airport in Madrid, I was greeted by Cristina Blanco, the (fabulous) director of the program. My mouth felt sticky, I was terribly jet-lagged, and still left-over anxious over having had my visa inspected. More...

15 mars 2015

New Model of Tenure

HomeBy Michael Bérubé. Thanks largely to adjunct activists throughout North America, there is a growing awareness outside academe that colleges and universities are treating faculty members off the tenure track in deplorable ways. The past few years have seen a number of searing exposés of adjunct working conditions, and significant progress in organizing adjuncts into collective bargaining units. Read more...

6 mars 2015

Carrières internationales

Pôle emploiL'équipe Mobilités Européennes et Internationales de Pôle emploi Rhône-Alpes organise du 10 au 12 mars "Carrières internationales", deux manifestations pour les personnes qui souhaitent travailler à l'étranger.
Un forum de recrutement à Lyon le mardi 10 mars 2015 de 9h à 18h à l’Espace Tête d’Or Villeurbanne 
Plus de 20 entreprises seront présentes à Lyon, pour proposer plus de 200 postes (pour la plupart des postes qualifiés) en Europe, Amérique du Nord, Asie ou Afrique. En plus des recrutements, les candidats pourront assister à 12 conférences et rencontrer 30 partenaires qui leur apporteront des conseils sur le marché du travail dans le pays souhaité.
L'entrée au forum de Lyon se fait sur inscription : Voir l'article...

2 mars 2015

Is faculty career flexibility the next disruptive innovation?

eCampus NewsBy . The first stage of a faculty career should last 30 years. Then all subsequent stages could come in five-year intervals, with reevaluation at every stage in order to allow for readjustment of career goals. More...

1 mars 2015

The British See Academic Careers as Desirable

HomeBritish people see academic careers as desirable -- and as more desirable than careers that might strike many Americans as more attractive, according to a new poll from YouGov. The poll asked Britons whether they would like to do various jobs, and 51 percent said they would like to be an academic. Read more...

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