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1 août 2015

Choose Your Own Conference . When I was questing for a tenure-track job in a (mostly) traditional academic discipline, it was easy to know which conferences you should be going to: you started with your national or international professional organization’s annual conferences, moved through the regionals, and then targeted conferences around your specific niche. Read more...
31 juillet 2015

Top Canadian scientist leaving country for UK over ‘worrisome’ research cuts

By Ellie Bothwell. Robert Brownstone will take up the role of chair of neurosurgery at University College London. More...

12 juillet 2015

Entre publier et procréer : surtout ne pas choisir ! Educpros d'Isabelle Barth. La dernière édition du baromètre Educpros sur le moral des professionnels de l’enseignement supérieur et de la recherche pointe la grande difficulté des femmes à concilier vie personnelle (et particulièrement leur vie de mère de famille) et vie professionnelle, surtout dans ses aspects de promotion et de carrière. Voir l'article...
5 juillet 2015

The tenure apocalypse

University Business LogoSubmitted by Stefanie Botelho. Right now, college professors are taking a real beating at the state level. There was the state senator in North Carolina who wanted to codify a 4-4 teaching load. Then there was the one in Iowa who wanted to let students vote their “worst” professors out of a job. Now for the trifecta, there’s Scott Walker’s drive to undermine (some say “destroy”) professor tenure and shared governance at Wisconsin’s state universities.
Read more.
28 juin 2015

Number of Oxbridge graduates teaching at state schools doubles in a decade

By John Elmes. Since 2003, the number of graduates from the universities of Oxford and Cambridge teaching at state schools has risen from 5,000 to 11,000. More...

22 juin 2015

Career guidance must be up-to-date and relevant – Cedefop Director

HomeAt the Public Employment Services (PES) network conference (26-27 May in Brussels), Cedefop Director James Calleja addressed a workshop on PES work with private employment services and guidance, education and training providers to deliver the youth guarantee. More...

14 juin 2015

The Teaching Track Lee Skallerup Bessette. A few weeks ago (ok, almost three months now – HOW IS IT ALREADY JUNE), Michael Bérubé wrote “A New Model of Tenure” here at IHE, calling for a “teacher track” for more teaching-intensive positions. It sparked quite a discussion, and he and the co-author of an upcoming book on the same topic, Jennifer Ruth, published a kind of response over at CHE. Read more...
14 juin 2015

Simultaneously Earn Extra Money and Advance Your Career Emily Roberts. In my final year of graduate school, I participated in a leadership program at my university. In the course of this program, all the participants worked on group projects, the subject of which was how to improve graduate student and postdoc career development. My group decided early on that we would focus on how trainees could participate in internships to gain work experience. Read more...
14 juin 2015

Being a Caregiver with an Academic Career . There is research to perform. Lectures to prepare. Exams to grade. Articles to write and meetings to attend. The life of a professor is like the pulse of an airport: arrivals, departures, a steady stream of events all lining up against a timetable. It’s a hard balance between commitments and managing one’s time. However, when a longterm care situation combines with an already demanding career, the demands for time and attention increase. Read more...
13 juin 2015

A Cinderella story for early career academics

By Nicholas Rowe. Once upon a time, there lived a young adjunct lecturer named Cinderella. Fresh from her final undergraduate exams, she worked long hours in a typical university, where her days were spent mainly teaching and marking. It felt as though she was surrounded by erudite “academic” colleagues who got to travel and write clever things in books and journals, while she was just left to get on with teaching. You might think that that was work and reward enough, but, for Cinderella, something was missing. More...

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