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23 octobre 2015

An Attack on Tenure From a Democratic Administration

HomeBy Colleen Flaherty. Collective bargaining negotiations are often drawn out and contentious, but the process now unfolding within the Connecticut State University system promises to be particularly unpleasant, based on an administrative wish list that includes unprecedented proposals -- such as that tenured faculty members may be assigned involuntarily to another campus, without the guarantee of continued tenure there. Read more...

23 octobre 2015

United Negro College Fund Receives $50-Million Gift for Career Development . The Lilly Endowment will donate $50 million to the United Negro College Fund to aid career development at historically black colleges and other colleges with high African-American enrollment, The Washington Post reports. More...

20 octobre 2015

Cycling to couture: meet the people who started their careers at university Emma Hughes. University gives you the time and space to pursue passions; but for some of you, it could be the start of something even bigger, says Emma Hughes. More...

20 octobre 2015

Social scientists asked to comment on early career support

By Jack Grove. Views of early career social scientists will be collected with a view to improve support for those starting out in academia. More...

18 octobre 2015

On campus, older faculty keep on keepin' on

University Business Magazine logoSubmitted by Stefanie Botelho. Ken Nickerson could have retired from his job as a professor of biological sciences at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln 10 years ago, when he turned 62. More...

17 octobre 2015

Some Free Online Classes Can Help Your Career Ed Tech News and Research ~ Ray Schroeder, editor. For all their problems, free online classes may have a net positive effect on your career. A new study shows that most people who took a free massive open online course, or MOOC, say it helped their careers, including by getting them a new job or helping them start a business. More...

15 octobre 2015

Portrait des DRH à mi-carrière

Logo de l'Agence Régionale de la Formation tout au long de la vie (ARFTLV Poitou-charentes)Oasys Consultants, ANDRH et Nomination viennent de rendre publics les résultats d’une enquête sur les attentes des entreprises lorsqu’elles recrutent des DRH confirmés. Cette étude évoque à la fois, les pratiques de recrutement des DRH généralistes confirmés, les critères de recrutement et leurs évolutions, les obstacles majeurs au recrutement ainsi que la poursuite de carrière.
Consulter les résultats de l'enquête. Voir l'article...

4 octobre 2015

A Year of Carpe Careers

HomeBy Joseph Barber. Over the past 12 months, members of the Graduate Career Consortium (GCC) from a wide range of academic institutions have been writing posts for this blog on Inside Higher Ed. Read more...

4 octobre 2015

Posttenure Depression?

HomeBy Kerry Ann Rockquemore. The president of our college recently told someone who got tenure to try not to fall into “posttenure depression.” Within the same week, another colleague said the same thing to him. Read more...

3 octobre 2015

Full Time, Off Tenure Track

HomeBy Josh Logue. Non-tenure-track, full-time faculty tend to like, and dislike, their jobs about as much as their tenure-track and tenured colleagues do, according to a new study published in the journal Education Policy Analysis Archives. Read more...

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