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1 novembre 2015

Do PhDs really want tenure-track jobs?

Résultat de recherche d'images pour By Jennifer Polk. Last week the US National Endowment for the Humanities announced a major new funding initiative for career preparation programming for graduate students. In response, professor and higher ed commentator Marc Bousquet argued that there was little need for these programs. More...

1 novembre 2015

Teaching shouldn’t be a ‘problem’ for universities

Résultat de recherche d'images pour By Melonie Fullick. A few of weeks ago, an article about Canadian universities’ hiring of teaching-intensive faculty positions was published by the Globe and Mail. The article by Simona Chiose focused on universities’ use of these positions as a means of handling the ever-expanding amount of teaching that needs to be done, without increasing the number of regular tenure-stream faculty hires. More...

29 octobre 2015

Forum des carrières de l’Europe

28 novembre 2015
Où : Paris
Lien :
Contact et information pratique : Dans les locaux de la Fondation Alliance Française. 
Évènement d’envergure, ce 1er Forum des carrières de l’Europe a pour finalité d’améliorer la visibilité des carrières européennes. Voir l'article...

27 octobre 2015

Karrierewege für Bachelorabsolventen Zweifel gelten mittlerweile eher weniger der Phase des Berufseinstiegs als vielmehr den weiteren Karrierechancen der Absolventen. Um zu einer empirisch fundierten Meinungsbildung beizutragen, hat das Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft Köln mit Unterstützung des Bundesministeriums für Bildung und Forschung eine Unternehmensbefragung durchgeführt. Mehr...

25 octobre 2015

The Powerful Role of Career and Technical Education in Today’s Workforce

Evolllution Logo, click to return to homepageBy John Cech - Evolllution. On September 22, 2015, I participated in a Career and Technical Education (CTE) panel for the US Senate CTE Caucus in Washington DC. Led by Senators Tim Kaine (D-VA), Johnny Isakson (R-GA) and Tammy Baldwin (D-WI), the 15-member Caucus meeting had broad representation from higher education and industry associations. More...

24 octobre 2015

Reflections on Tenure in Canada vs Wisconsin Kris Olds. In the context of some intense debates about tenure in the University of Wisconsin System, and at UW-Madison, I've been acquiring some interesting information and views about tenure and related governance matters in Canada vs Wisconsin. Reflections and data have been kindly provided by Canadian leaders representing faculty and university administrative bodies, both nationally and in select universities. Read more...
24 octobre 2015

Study: Students Feel Prepared, but Not Fully, for Careers

HomeLess than a tenth of students feel their college education fully prepared them for their careers, according to a new large survey by Instructure, the education technology company behind Canvas. Read more...

24 octobre 2015

How to Land a Nonprofessor Position After Grad School

HomeBy Jake Livengood. Life after the Ph.D. can be scary. 
As a Ph.D. student, it is easy to doubt your next career step in making the transition to life after grad school. Read more...

24 octobre 2015

Moving the Goalposts in Graduate Education

HomeBy Marc Bousquet. What’s the measure of a successful doctoral program? In many fields, placement in tenure-track positions used to be enough. Today, however, many Ph.D. programs are claiming other kinds of success, particularly placement in what is being described as alt-ac (short for alternative academic) employment. Read more...

23 octobre 2015

Beyond Faculty Careers

HomeBy Colleen Flaherty. Critics have long complained about doctoral education in the humanities, saying that it takes too long and no longer reflects the realities of graduates’ employment prospects. In other words, graduate humanities programs are still largely training students to become professors at major research universities, when the vast majority won’t, given the weak tenure-track job market. Read more...

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