College presidency: A position with no equal

By . Today, Higher Education Strategy Associates is releasing a paper called Beyond Tenure: Faculty Employment Protection at Canadian Universities (available here). More...
By Stephanie K. Eberle. Eric looked nervous when he walked into my office. His introduction form told me he was a Ph.D. student in his fourth year of graduate school and, as with many trainees, he wanted to know his “career options.” This presenting question may be exactly what it seems on the surface -- just mere curiosity about what is out there. Read more...
By Robert Talbert. Professors who are on the tenure track carry out every moment of their professional lives with a clock ticking — namely, the tenure clock. From the moment we’re hired and on through the process of earning tenure, we’re on the clock to assemble and submit a portfolio that consists of our best work, for a decision that seems eons away. More...
By Dear Jeremy. I am 53 and after graduating in 1983 I worked mostly in the voluntary sector in paid roles, with mixed success, until the opportunity arose to return to university. I left with a PhD in 2005, having worked throughout as a part-time sessional or fractional lecturer. My intention was to continue to do the same, but work has become harder to find every year, and this academic year I have finally drawn a blank). More...
By Jonathan Thon. When applying for a tenure-track faculty position, it is important to consider that there are very few of these available, and a great number of very qualified candidates. Increasingly common are adjunct professor positions which, as of this writing, comprise nearly 76 percent of American university faculty. Regardless of where you end up on the academic totem pole, your faculty search will inevitably begin with the research proposal. More...
By Jonathan Thon. When you decide to launch your career search, it is important that you make it a concerted effort. The predominant questions you should be asking yourself is what you want and need from you career, and why? Experiences will vary and I can only speak to mine. More...
By Phil Octetes. As a lifelong liberal (please note the lower case “l” – this is not a partisan polemic), I thought I would never have cause to say this: Margaret Thatcher was right. I disagreed with almost all of her policies when she was Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, and in 1988 I was quite concerned when she decided to end the concept of academic tenure in U.K. universities. I pondered what this might mean for my future employment as an academic (as I was completing graduate work in the U.K. at the time) and whether this spelled disaster for finding permanent, stable employment. More...
Du 23 au 29 novembre l’Apec donne rendez-vous aux cadres pour répondre aux questions qu’ils se posent sur leur seconde partie de carrière : Comment faire de ses expériences professionnelles un atout ? Quels leviers actionner pour rebooster sa carrière ? Comment évoluer au sein de son entreprise ou à l’externe après 20 ou 25 ans de vie professionnelle ? Au programme : chat, soirées networking et animations éditoriales sur Apec.fr. Voir l'article...
Higher Ed Tech News and Research ~ Ray Schroeder, editor. Lots of workers – 29 percent according to a recent survey by Spherion Staffing – are worried that they don’t have the skills to get ahead. There’s ample evidence, though, that many workers, including those who’ve already racked up college and post-graduate degrees, are taking courses to keep their skills marketable. More...