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18 avril 2019

Research: 26% of US adults own a smart speaker as of January 2019

Techno-News BlogA new report found that 66.4 million US adults own a smart speaker as of January 2019, up from 47.3 million in January 2018. This is up from 47.3 million in January 2018. More...

8 avril 2019

Creating inclusive adult learning opportunities in South Africa

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and DevelopmentPosted by . The South African labour market has been faced with high levels of unemployment for many years. In the final quarter of 2018, 6.1 million South Africans were unemployed, representing 27% of the labour force. A further 2.8 million people were willing to work but not actively looking for a job (i.e. discouraged job seekers). More...

8 avril 2019

Adult Learning in Italy: what role for training funds?

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and DevelopmentPosted by . Action on adult learning is needed urgently in Italy. As a result of the introduction of new technologies, 15.2% of jobs have a high risk of automation, and a further 35.5% may experience significant changes to how they are performed. Italy also has an old and ageing population and around 38% of Italian adults have low levels of literacy and/or numeracy proficiency, well above the OECD average of 26.3%. More...

2 avril 2019

UMass Plans Online College for Adult Learners

HomeBy Doug Lederman. Citing a looming demographic cliff that he called an "existential threat" to New England and the institutions he leads, the president of the University of Massachusetts System said Monday that the system would create an online college to serve adult learners. More...

31 mars 2019

EAB’s Adult Learner Survey: Shifting Adult Learner Mindset

Techno-News BlogAs projections for undergraduate enrollment wane, many colleges and universities are looking to adult learner programs for growth and revenue. However, the adult learner market is complex, and adult learners’ mindsets are shifting. More...

29 mars 2019

SAVOIRS DE BASE - Webinaire : Comment accompagner l'entrée dans l'écrit des adultes en alphabétisation ?

CARIF-OREF Ile de La RéunionLe 11 janvier dernier, le centre de ressources illettrisme Provence Alpes Côte d'Azur en partenariat avec une conseillère en formation du CRIA45 et d'une experte, formatrice de formateur en FLE, FLI, alphabétisation et illettrisme, a proposé un webinaire intitulé :
Comment accompagner l'entrée dans l'écrit des adultes (allophones notamment) en alphabétisation. Plus...

28 mars 2019

Another Step toward the Creation of the Adult Learning Knowledge

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Another Step toward the Creation of the Adult Learning Knowledge Centre
The Canadian Council on Learning has launched the application process. Organizations need to apply by June 21, 2005. More...

28 mars 2019

Adult Literacy Meets Technology (AL-T)

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Adult Literacy Meets Technology (AL-T)
New blog started for members of the adult literacy - technology mailing list, hosted by the Adult Literacy and Numeracy Australian Research Consortium (ALNARC). More...

9 mars 2019

Poland: new report on adult learning

HomeThe report Development of competences: adult learning and entities offering development services is part of the Human capital study (BKL) and was published in October 2018. The results show a level of adult participation in learning activities in Poland higher than usually reflected in the statistics. More...

3 mars 2019

Subdegree Programs for Working-Class Adults

HomeBy Paul Fain. An emerging category of short-term postsecondary training programs, typically a few weeks to several months in duration, are aimed at working-class adults who lack college degrees and make less than $25,000 a year, according to a new report from the Strada Institute for the Future of Work and Entangled Solutions. More...

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