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21 août 2019

Sound Finances in College and Adulting

HomeBy Greta Anderson. College students who make sound financial decisions tend to more quickly develop an adult identity, have fewer mental health problems and better transition to the work force. More...

13 juillet 2019

Rencontres et échanges autour de l'orientation des publics adultes sur le marché du travail

Résultat de recherche d'images pour Au cours de ce séminaire, les problématiques majeures de l'insertion sur le marché du travail et de l'orientation professionnelle seront abordées et analysées en profondeur. Des solutions seront élaborées afin d'encourager la coopération entre les divers organismes de l'orientation en Europe. Plus...
12 juillet 2019

More than 70 Million Adults Want to Head Back to School

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Press Release[Edit][Delete]: More than 70 Million Adults Want to Head Back to School, Capella University [Edit][Delete] August 22, 2006
The headline is an attention-grabber, but of course this is a survey result that has been extrapolated. Moreover, the headline equivocates between 'getting more eduication' and 'going back to school' - and these are two very different things. It would be useful to have the survey questions, however I was not able to find them on the survey itself. More...

7 juillet 2019

College-educated adults get an F in digital literacy

eCampus NewsA new survey casts doubt on whether college-educated adults have and are using digital literacy skills to critically examine information and news sources. More...

7 juillet 2019

What’s keeping working adults from pursuing higher education?

eCampus NewsHigher education attainment is linked to greater earnings potential and lower unemployment rates, but there are still factors at play that keep today’s working adults from pursuing higher education. More...

3 juillet 2019

Non-Degree Certificates Buy High Value

Techno-News BlogA new report from the Strada Education Network, Lumina Foundation and Gallup says that American adults who hold certificates and certifications, but no college degree, report better employment and lives than those without certificates. Lumina says that five percent of individuals without a college degree have a certificate. More...

1 juillet 2019

CCL Conference on Adult Learning

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Stephen Downes[Edit][Delete]: CCL Conference on Adult Learning, June 22, 2006
I am at the Canadian Council on Learning conference on adult education in Fredericton. Though I had expected this would be much more management and administration focused than it was, I found it to be a refreshing blend of adult educators and academic working for change. This to me was a very welcome delevopment, as it represents a broad resistance against the idea of learning as commodity, something that can be sliced and diced and measured and sold by the seat-hour to the developing world (whee, I'm all activisty now).
I blogged the keynote address by Maude Barlow and four sessions today; there's a bit more to come tomorrow. The format of the four sessions (each devoted to a different aspect of adult education) was to have an academic present the research report, and then to have a practitioner comment on it. This worked, in my view, really well, keeping the academics honest and the practitioners involved. Anyhow, here's the blogging:

- Maude Barlow
- E-Learning
- Learning Communities
- Social Movement Learning
- Culture

I hope you enjoy these reports as much as I enjoyed writing them. This really was a fine day, really good for my spirits. In our world of electronic learning we are sometimes isolated between the corporatists and the technologists. But it's nice to see a firm representation of (shall we say) the humanists out there. [Tags: , , , , ] [Comment]. More...

24 juin 2019

Too Many Left Behind: Canada s Adult Education and Training System

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Karen Myers and Patrice de Broucker[Edit][Delete]: Too Many Left Behind: Canada s Adult Education and Training System, Canadian Policy Research Networks Inc. [Edit][Delete] June 16, 2006
"There is a lot of talk in policy circles about the importance of life-long learning," note the authors of this report. "But how well do we walk the talk in Canada? It seems not very well at all. Too many less-educated / less-skilled adults in Canada are being left behind, with little chance to improve their skills, their knowledge, and their earnings. More...

22 juin 2019

Lutter contre les préjugés sur l’immigration : quel rôle pour l’éducation des adultes ?

Résultat de recherche d'images pour L’immigration est une question centrale en Europe. Les nombreux préjugés et opinions négatives sur le sujet devraient donc nous alarmer. Les résultats d’un sondage d’opinion publique mandaté par la Commission européenne montrent toute l’étendue du problème. Plus...
22 juin 2019

Éducation des adultes : de l’apprentissage à la participation

Résultat de recherche d'images pour Dans nos sociétés modernes, la gouvernance a tendance à remplacer les gouvernements et la démocratie directe est fortement encouragée. Pour les citoyens, cela se traduit par une plus grande attente quant à leur participation aux activités de la communauté, non seulement en ce qui concerne les questions politiques, mais aussi dans la sphère de la vie quotidienne. Plus...
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