Cedefop Non-formal and informal learning - Validation tools
The recommendation emphasises the need for appropriate tools and instruments allowing for validation of non-formal and informal learning, also drawing attention to the relevance of common European tools for transparency and recognition and their possible support to the process: ‘the use of Union transparency tools, such as the Europass framework and Youthpass, is promoted in order to facilitate the documentation of learning outcome’ (Council of EU, 2012, p. 3, point 3i); and asks Member States to assure that ‘[…] synergies exist between validation arrangements and credit systems applicable in the formal education and training system, such as ECTS and ECVET’ (p. 4, point 3j); as well as asking Member States to foster participation of stakeholders that ‘[…] should promote and facilitate the identification and documentation of learning outcomes acquired at work or in voluntary activities, using relevant Union transparency tools such as those developed under the Europass framework and Youthpass’ (p. 4, point 4a). More...