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Formation Continue du Supérieur
9 avril 2011

Strengthening the Space of Higher Education in Africa of Rectors, Vice Chancellors and Presidents of African Universities (COREVIP) from May 30 to June 3, 2011 in Stellenbosch, South Africa.
The Conference of Rectors, Vice-Chancellors and Presidents of African Universities (COREVIP) is an assembly of the chief executive officers of member institutions or their representatives.
The Conference is held every two years with the purpose of examining collectively themes identified as common concerns and priorities for the development of higher education in member institutions in particular and Africa in general; making recommendations primarily to members, as well as to the Governing Board, and to the Secretariat; and acting as a mid-term forum for taking stock of the implementation of the decisions of the General Conference and recommending corrective action.

The theme for the Conference is: Strengthening the Space of Higher Education in Africa.
There will be invited papers and presentations by distinguished scholars and practitioners in plenary sessions as well as group sessions for more intensive work dealing with the main theme and the sub-themes below:
Creating an African Higher Education Space
With focus on the Arusha Convention; Establishment of AfriQAN; LMD Reform in Francophone Higher Education Institutions; Establishment of a Credit Transfer System.
The Role of ICT
With focus on the creation of Research and Education Networks nationally and regionally: Promoting the use of ICT in African higher education institutions.
Regional Centres of Excellence

With focus on the AUC’s Pan African University; Pan African Institute of Governance in Higher Education; Examples of other Centres of Excellence (AIMS in South Africa; IIEE in Burkina Faso; ICIPE in Kenya)
Promoting Open and Distance Learning

With focus on Open Educational Resources; Creation of Open Universities; Use of ODL in traditional universities
The Conference will provide an excellent opportunity for leaders of African higher education institutions to exchange experiences and draw on the lessons from institutions on issues relating to the theme of the conference. There will also be an opportunity to hear from both regional and international organisations involved in higher education initiatives.
In addition to the executive heads and other senior members of African universities, participants will include Ministers of Higher Education, other policy makers, representatives of international and regional organizations and development partners.  Please find attached to this invitation a Registration Form.
51 abonnés
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Formation Continue du Supérieur