15 mars 2011
Getting to grips with rankings

Over the last 18 months, the European University Association (EUA) has been carrying out a comprehensive review of all major international university rankings.
Universities are increasingly confronted by a plethora of ranking and classification initiatives – both at the national and international level. While many university leaders have reservations about rankings, their methodologies and criteria, there is a growing recognition that such initiatives are here to stay. Research has also shown that despite their acknowledged shortcomings, rankings are having an increasing impact on decision-making and activities in universities across Europe.
This is why EUA has decided that there is a need to respond on behalf of the 850 universities it represents by publishing a ‘Review of international higher education rankings’. This new publication will be launched and presented to university leaders for the first time at this special one day seminar taking place in Brussels.
* To present the review and its findings as a means of improving knowledge and understanding among university leaders of the different purposes and methodologies of the various international rankings
* To provide a platform for an open debate on ranking methodologies and their various strengths and weaknesses with the goal of improving future practice and encouraging consideration of alternative approaches to enhancing transparency
* To gather feedback from the university community on the effectiveness of this pilot project and consider topics for inclusion in further editions of the Review of rankings.
Target Audience
* Leaders (Rectors/Vice-Rectors/Vice Chancellors/Pro-Vice-Chancellors) from EUA member institutions
Support: The EUA Rankings Review project was made possible by Funding from the Robert Bosch Stiftung