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29 octobre 2010

CHE ExcellenceRanking 2010: l'Université de Provence, seule université PACA classée is a University Ranking for a selected group of European universities. Find an interesting place to study in Europe and for doing your master’s or doctoral degree in one of the subjects listed!
For seven different subjects a group of about 60 European universities were selected by their results in research and internationalisation indicators. This selected group of universities is called the "Excellence Group" of the respective subject. For these Excellence Groups, an institutional survey as well as a student survey was conducted. For outstanding results in any one indicator, a "star" was awarded.
Enter the Excellence Ranking by selecting either one of the SUBJECTS or one of the UNIVERSITIES. If you select a subject, you can view the Excellence Group, compare up to three Excellence Group universities / departments with each other or search for one of over 4,500 research teams. More information especially on the methodology can be found in the ABOUT section.

Universities: France.

Dix-huit universités figurent au classement: Aix-Marseille 1 (excellence en Psychologie), Grenoble, Lille 1, Lyon 1, Lyon 2, Montpellier 2, Paris 1, Paris 5, Paris 6, Paris 7, Paris 9, Paris 11, Paris 13, Rennes 1, Strasbourg, Bordeaux 1, Toulouse 1, Toulouse 3. Sur les 18 universités françaises classées, 7 sont parisiennes.

Dans la Région PACA, seule l'Université de Provence est classée.

Le classement se centre sur 19 pays européens. Avec dix-huit universités classées, la France vient à la troisième place après le Royaume-Uni (40), l'Allemagne (34). Elle devance les autres euorpéens: l'Espagne (13), l'Italie (13), la Hollande (12), la Suède (10), la Suisse (8), l'Autriche (6), la Belgique (6), la Pologne (4), le Danemark (3), la Hongrie (3), l'Irlande (3), la République Tchèque (2), la Finlande (2), la Norvège (2), l'Estonie (1), le Portugal (1).
Other countries: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Sweden, Switzerland, The Netherlands, United Kingdom,Spain.

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