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1 avril 2019

Do Catholic Universities Still Have a Value Proposition?

HomeMy brother and I have chosen very different paths in our professional lives. Tom is a brand executive at Nike, and I am a mission integration professional at DePaul University. Over the years, however, I have realized that our jobs are not that different. More...

1 avril 2019

Ethical College Admissions: Yearbook Photos

HomeThe ethical issues raised by the Wake Forest controversy are complicated, writes Jim Jump. More...

1 avril 2019

President Trump Misses the Point

HomeHis proposed executive order does not reflect the reality of campuses today or the need for campus leaders to focus on mission and academic freedom, writes Michele S. Moses. More...

1 avril 2019

Unpacking Trump's Promise on Free Speech

HomeAn executive order linking federal research funds to free speech would be on firm ground historically and statutorily, as well as long overdue, write Frederick M. Hess and Grant Addison. More...

1 avril 2019

Look Beyond Our Borders

HomeStudying democratic erosion abroad increases optimism about U.S. democracy, write Hannah Baron, Robert Blair and Shelby Grossman. More...

1 avril 2019

Equal Protection for Trans Students

HomeThe Trump administration's plan to remove legal protections for transgender students could limit access to higher education and harm the Education Department's legacy, two community college presidents write. More...

1 avril 2019

How Higher Ed Can Change Faster

HomeColleges and universities are adopting various structures to drive internal innovation and experimentation -- some focused on transformation and others on iteration, Allison Dulin Salisbury and Terah Crews write. More...

1 avril 2019

Today's Context Demands Use of OER

HomeReplying to a recent blog post, Jonathan Poritz argues that lowering students' costs by using open educational resources isn't just a nicety in an era when many students are hungry and textbook "quality" is exaggerated. More...

1 avril 2019

A Watershed Moment

HomeHow should colleges respond, Brian Whalen asks, to a nationalist outlook that sows deep divisions among people. More...

1 avril 2019

An Impossible (Says You) Proposal

HomeWe must stop expecting less of the millions of capable community college students who want the finest possible education, Wick Sloane argues. More...

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