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1 avril 2019

F-Words in the Classroom

HomeSome words seem to be treated as anathemas when it comes to college teaching, Karen Costa writes -- and then argues why they shouldn't be. More...

1 avril 2019

Yes, You Should Negotiate

HomeEven if it's your dream job, you still need to guarantee that you will earn a salary that can support you, writes Stephen J. Aguilar. More...

1 avril 2019

How to Change an Unhealthy Department Culture

HomeIt can make the difference between a high-performing collegial unit and one riven by factions, rivalries or unproductive friction, argue Elizabeth A. Luckman, Robert A. Easter, C. K. Gunsalus and Nicholas C. Burbules. More...

1 avril 2019

A Chicano Mathematics Contender?

HomeMuch more needs to be done to increase the number of minority faculty members and to promote mathematics as a field of study for students of color, writes Alvaro Huerta. More...

1 avril 2019

Leveraging Luck in the Job Search

HomeLuck may play a part in various aspects of a job search, writes David A. McDonald, but you can have much more influence over the process than you may realize. More...

1 avril 2019

10 Tips for New Doctoral Students

HomeJamie Hipp shares advice she wishes she'd received when embarking on her Ph.D. adventure. More...

1 avril 2019

Organizing a Recruitment Experience With Impact

HomeHannah Foltz offers five tips for the faculty members or grad students tasked with planning a weekend for prospective Ph.D. students to remember. More...

1 avril 2019

How to Write a CV for the Academic Job Market

HomeFor those of us who have been on the job market, who have secured tenure-track positions or who have been faculty members for a number of years, the ins and outs of a CV seem self-explanatory. Yet, in many ways, they are not -- especially for graduate students who may not get this sort of professional development in their program. More...

1 avril 2019

When Their Kids Don’t Make the Cut

HomeThe rich cheat to get ahead in college admissions, but celebrities and CEOs aren’t the only ones playing the game, writes Jessica Calarco. More...

1 avril 2019

“I Couldn’t Possibly”

HomeCathy Mazak explores the lies one can tell oneself when allowing an academic job to be all consuming. More...

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