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13 septembre 2013

Top global universities rule out setting up India campuses for now Rica Bhattacharyya. Barely days after the government opened doors for foreign universities to set up campuses here, half-a-dozen top universities said they have no interest in the invitation from India.
ET spoke to top officials from Harvard Business School, Stanford Graduate School of Business, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT Sloan School of Management, Cambridge University and Duke University and all of them ruled out the possibility of opening campuses here. They are, however, keen to continue engaging with students, academia and industry through research, faculty exchange and executive education programmes. More...

11 septembre 2013

QS University Rankings: Asia University Rankings: Asia
Now in its fifth edition, QS University Rankings: Asia provides an essential overview of higher education in one of the world's most dynamic and rapidly developing regions. Covering the top 300 institutions in Asia, the rankings are based on nine indicators.
View the 2013 QS University Rankings: Asia.


In 2009, QS introduced a new university ranking focusing exclusively on universities in Asia, the world’s biggest and most populous continent. These rankings employ a slightly different methodology to that used for the QS World University Rankings, reflecting the region's different priorities. Read More

10 septembre 2013

Foreign varsities get independent access to India Prashant K. Nanda. Foreign universities can now set up campuses and offer degrees in India without having a local partner. More...

10 septembre 2013

South Korean students face difficulty in financing university education Korea's university students face rising student loans and higher housing prices, leaving many debt ridden.
South Korea's university students are facing soaring student loans, leaving many debt ridden. 
Adding to the problem is the rising cost of housing and lack of dormitories, which is putting a financial strain on the country's young. More...

9 septembre 2013

Tony Abbott win leads to humanities funding fears . Humanities and social sciences in Australia could lose A$100 million (£60 million) in funding following a change in government, it is feared.
The Liberal-National Coalition, led by former Rhodes scholar Tony Abbott, recorded a convincing victory in Saturday’s general election over Kevin Rudd’s Labor government. Last week, the Coalition said that it will carry out an audit of “increasingly ridiculous research grants” funded by the Australian Research Council, and proposed to “reprioritise” A$103 million of ARC funding to where it is “really needed”. It has also pledged to boost spending in medical research by A$190 million. More...

9 septembre 2013

Asian academia faces language block!/image/ximage.jpg.pagespeed.ic.JrkjJRnAO9.jpgBy Farish Noor. GLOBAL LINGUA: Scholarly works that are not in English are not able to penetrate the international arena
THE debate over the teaching of the English language continues, not only in Malaysia but also in many other countries across the world. While the form and content of the debate has been shaped by domestic political considerations and agendas, there are some pressing realities that we cannot escape from; and one of them is the simple fact that English remains the most commonly used language in global academic circles.
In order to circumvent the somewhat heated temperature of the debate here, allow me to offer some observations based on my experience teaching in some other Asian countries. In countries like India and Pakistan, the teaching of English remains a serious concern for many students, parents and educational institutions that wish to give Indian and Pakistani students a fighting chance in the ever-changing global economy. For many of the new industries that have emerged, including information technology, the working knowledge remains English - despite the linguistic nationalism that is articulated and foregrounded by some politicians and activists there. Read more...

7 septembre 2013

Equal Pay Day: Universities must close the gap, union says Jeannie Rea. Victorian and Western Australian universities are amongst the worst employers when it comes to the gender pay gap for general staff, according to figures for 2012 released by the National Tertiary Education Union (NTEU) in the lead up to Equal Pay Day tomorrow (Tuesday).
“Across the country the gender gap stands at 8.7% when taking the 2012 full time rates of men and women employed as general staff in Australian universities. This is around half the Australian industry average of over 17% but shows we still need to do more to close the gap within our higher education institutions,” NTEU President Jeannie said. Universities should be exemplars of best practice when it comes to gender equality, according to Rea. More...

7 septembre 2013

Will a university degree cost a second mortgage under Abbott? Jeannie Rea. “The real reason for Tony Abbott’s silence on university funding in this election is because he does not want to reveal his real agenda – to increase the cost of going to universities for Australian students and their families,” Jeannie Rea, National President NTEU said today.
“In the absence of any definitive policy announcements on funding, the Australian public can only work out the Coalition’s higher education policy from its track record and the few recent statements.
“If, as the Coalition has said on numerous occasions, our public universities are grossly underfunded but that the government is not in a position to boost its investment, then the only conclusion you can draw is that students will have to pay more under an Abbott government.”
Rea said that voters need to remember that one of the first policy announcements of the Howard government when elected in 1996 was to slash university operating grants by five percent and double average HECS fees through the introduction of a three-tier HECS. More...

7 septembre 2013

Conga line protest outside Melbourne’s Centre for Adult Education Carmel Shute. Staff at Melbourne’s Centre for Adult Education (CAE) aim to stop traffic in Flinders Lane for 30 minutes from 3pm today (Thursday), over management’s threat to remove the right of staff to have the Fair Work Commission (FWC) arbitrate over disputes and grievances.
Staff will form a conga line going back and forth on the pedestrian crossing near the City Library.  NTEU National Industrial Coordinator, Linda Gale, said that management were still pressing for cuts to conditions as part of collective bargaining negotiations which have dragged on for more than two years. More...

7 septembre 2013

NTEU launches to highlight accumulating HELP debt Matthew McGowan. A first degree shouldn’t cost a second mortgage!
Australian students have accumulated debt from their university study of over $34 billion. We estimate outstanding HELP debt is increasing by $500,000 an hour ($12 million a day).
Visit to see the up-to-date estimate for HELP debt.
A person enrolling in an Australian university as a Commonwealth supported student will graduate with a debt for tuition fees of between $18,000 and $64,000.
If you take living costs into account, the total cost of attaining a degree could be in excess of $200,000.
Get all the fact and figures at or download the My Student Debt brochure.

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