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27 septembre 2018

Autistic children need the world to acknowledge the significance of the challenges they face

The ConversationAutistic children are increasingly being suspended or expelled from school, because of “behavioural problems” official figures show. Some regions in the UK have seen a 100% increase in these types of exclusions since 2011. Plus...

27 septembre 2018

Students studying overseas could be helping to make former Soviet countries more liberal

The ConversationSociety is defined by mobility. Crossing borders involves acquiring new knowledge, being exposed to new ideas and ways of thinking. People move for a variety of reasons – and education is one of them. Plus...

27 septembre 2018

Keuntungan perjanjian perdagangan bebas Australia-Indonesia yang baru bagi perguruan tinggi Australia

The ConversationPada 31 Agustus, Perdana Menteri Australia Scott Morrison berhasil mengakhiri negosiasi perjanjian perdagangan bebas dengan Presiden Indonesia Joko “Jokowi” Widodo. Perjanjian ini akan membuka jalan bagi perguruan tinggi Australia untuk membangun kampus-kampus baru di Indonesia. Plus...

27 septembre 2018

Apakah kecerdasan dan kesuksesan mengurangi prospek menikah?

The ConversationBagi kebanyakan orang punya pasangan yang setia dan hubungan keluarga yang baik itu sangat penting. Tak terhitung banyaknya novel, cerita dongeng, dan juga film yang telah mengangkat cerita romantis sehingga membuat kita jatuh cinta dengan kisah asmara. Plus...

27 septembre 2018

Genes shown to influence how well children do throughout their time at school

The ConversationGenes have been shown to influence how well children do at primary school, at the end of compulsory education, and even in different subjects. However, less is known about how genetic and environmental factors contribute to how well a child continues to do academically throughout their time at school. Plus...

27 septembre 2018

Teacher turnover is a problem – here’s how to fix it

The ConversationEach school year, a good portion of parents find out that their child’s teacher is leaving for a job at another school or a different kind of job all together. An average of 16 percent of public school teachers change schools or leave teaching every year. This is over half a million teachers nationwide. Plus...

27 septembre 2018

Australia has the wealth to ensure a sustainable future, but too many people are being left behind

The ConversationThe purpose of our social, economic and political systems is to enable all Australians to lead good lives. Australia is doing well on some fronts. It ranks third out of 188 countries on the UN Human Development Index, which takes into account life expectancy, education and national income per capita. We also rank 19th on national income per capita. Plus...

27 septembre 2018

Why an education in visual arts is the key to arming students for the future

The ConversationThere is a growing body of international and Australian research that demonstrates a direct link between an arts-rich education from an early age and an increase in students’ confidence, their intellectual abilities across all learning areas, problem-solving skills, and general life skills. Plus...

27 septembre 2018

The data is in: Americans who don’t finish high school are less healthy than the rest of the US

The ConversationThis report provides a snapshot of Americans’ health up to 2016, revealing several key trends – including that Americans who don’t finish high school continue to lag behind. Again and again, the trends across educational levels indicate that adults with no high school diploma or GED are consistently at the greatest risk for the leading causes of disease and death. Plus...

27 septembre 2018

MOOC, AI, maker-based learning design... I love it, and combine it

Inge Ignatia de WaardBy Inge Ignatia de Waard. Machine learning has moved from a mere rave into a real strong, acknowledged learning power (not only in the news, but also on the stock market of AI, e.g. STOXX AI global indices - I was quite surprised to see this). Machine learning has the power to support personalized learning, as well as adaptive learning, which allows an instructional designer to engage learners in such a way that learning outcomes can be reached in more than one way (always a benefit!). More...

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