Formation du CELV en Grèce sur les «Compétences plurilingues et interculturelles : descripteurs et matériaux didactiques CARAP»
« La/les langue(s) de scolarisation : une feuille de route pour les établissements scolaires » : l’atelier du projet
Atelier final du projet «La langue pour le travail - Outils de développement professionnel» (Graz, Autriche, 23-24 octobre 2018)
Projet du CELV «Pro-Sign 2 - Promouvoir l’excellence dans l’enseignement de la langue des signes»: nouvelles de Belgrade
«L’éducation et l’enseignement aux langues dès le plus jeune âge: Pourquoi et comment le faire chez des enfants de 3 à 12 ans?»
The statements of support for the Minority SafePack Initiative will be presented only to the new European Commission
Following the European Commission’s refusal to have a dialogue on the Minority SafePack Initiative, the initiators of the successful European Citizens’ Initiative will wait until the new European Commission is established following next year’s elections for the European Parliament. More...
FUEN Presidium members had constructive dialogue with the German Foreign Office during the AGDM meeting
The meeting at the Federal Foreign Office of Germany with Ministerial Director Heidrun Tempel, Commissioner for Foreign Affairs, Education, Research Policy and Foreign Cultural Policy as well as representatives of the Goethe Institute and the Institute for Foreign Cultural Relations (ifA), served as an exchange of ideas for the future development and cooperation in the field of innovative educational and cultural policy for German minorities. More...
International symposium on the Rhodes and Kos Turks takes place in Izmir in November
The Rhodes, Kos and the Dodecanese Turks Culture and Solidarity Association (ROISDER), a member of the Federal Union of European Nationalities (FUEN), organizes “The International Symposium on the Turkish Identity in Rhodes and Kos 2018” in İzmir, Turkey on 22-23 November 2018. More...
27th annual meeting of the Working Group of German Minorities (AGDM) in Berlin
Important political talks with high-ranking decision makers of the German government are imminent for representatives of the German minorities from 5 to 8 November in Berlin. In addition, the minority representatives will take part in the ceremony marking the 30th anniversary of the Commissioner of the Federal Government for Ethnic German Repatriates and National Minorities, and will discuss the AGDM's future strategy in internal talks. More...