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10 avril 2014

Pôle emploi et l'emploi

EMPLOI- "quadras-quinquas+" Réseau de  compétencesL'enquête des Besoins de Main d' Œuvre 2014 est parue. Les conclusions sont optimistes...comme l'étaient celles de 2013! L'étude est présentée par régions. Pour ma part, je la considère comme très relative...
Je vous invite à y porter un regard. En effet, les résultats sont présentés par régions. Il peut donc vous être utile de jeter un œil (et le bon) sur le marché du travail de votre province. "Mon emploi existe-t-il toujours?" Mais, mais, encore une fois, appréciez ces éléments ...avec des pincettes!
Accéder à l'enquête BMO par région.
Nota: nous proposons une analyse 360° de votre cv, en tenant compte des réalités du marché du travail...

10 avril 2014

L’enseignement français face au défi des cours en ligne

Les EchosPar Nathalie Silbert. Face au déferlement des Mooc – « massive open online courses » – dans le monde, écoles de l’enseignement supérieur et universités françaises cherchent à apporter une réponse avec le soutien des pouvoirs publics.
Et toi, tu suis quel MOOC ? » De San Francisco à Shanghai en passant par Tokyo ou Abidjan, le « massive open online course » – prononcer « mouc » – est devenu la dernière pratique branchée. Fils d’Internet et des réseaux sociaux, ces cours en ligne gratuits et ouverts à tous, qui mêlent vidéos, exercices et forums de discussion, ont déjà attiré des millions de personnes dans le monde. Suite...

10 avril 2014

Très chers présidents des universités britanniques

LeMonde.frPar Isabelle Rey-Lefebvre. Les britanniques ont une qualité enviable, leur culture de l’évaluation et de la transparence, qui produit moult rapports financiers et audits, accessibles en ligne. Ainsi, chaque année, le magazine Times Higher Education compile, avec la collaboration du cabinet de conseil Grand Thornton, tous les éléments financiers des 159 universités britanniques, notamment les rémunérations de leurs présidents. La livraison 2014, publiée le 3 avril ( ) fournit son lot de données croustillantes et de chiffres à faire pâlir nos présidents d’université français, et qui irritent tout de même beaucoup les syndicats d’enseignants anglais et les personnels, en grève, au mois de février dernier, contre le « misérable 1% » d’augmentation qui leur a été concédé. Suite de l'article...
10 avril 2014

Higher education roadmap given final shape Correspondent. THE Vice Chancellors (VCs) Committee set up by Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif has given a final shape to the future roadmap of higher education in Punjab for the next 10 years.
This was informed in a briefing regarding the future of higher education at a meeting presided over by Punjab Minister for Education Rana Mashhood Ahmed Khan here Monday.
Under the roadmap, besides establishment of an international standard Information Technology and Technical University at Knowledge Park in Lahore, up-gradation of existing sub-campuses of public sector universities, granting of the status of full-fledged universities to some major government colleges and improvement of the infrastructure of the existing universities’ development projects worth Rs34.6 billion would be completed during the five years period. More...

10 avril 2014

Utah higher education selected for multi-state collaboration

Deseret NewsBy . The Utah System of Higher Education was selected Monday to join 12 other higher education systems nationwide in exploring solutions for at-risk student populations.
The multi-state collaboration, organized by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, includes a $200,000 grant as state education officials work to increase access to and outcomes from Utah's colleges and universities. More...

10 avril 2014

Diversity Abroad Seeks to Boost Minority Participation in International Study

DiverseBy Jamal E. Mazyck. While it has not been a primary topic of conversation in higher education circles in recent years, the dearth of minorities included in programs to study abroad has not gone undocumented. Now, experts are trying to figure out how to improve the situation.
According to the Institute of International Education (IIE), of all U.S. students that participate in study abroad programs, 76.4% are White as of 2012, compared to Asian American/Native American and Pacific Islander at 7.7%, Hispanic/Latino at 7.6% and African-American participants at 5.3%. More...

10 avril 2014

Universities are warned not to depend on overseas fees Andrew Denholm. UNIVERSITY chiefs have been urged not to become too reliant on the fees paid by overseas students who come to Scotland to study.
The warning, from one of the country's most prestigious academic bodies, follows the emergence of high quality online courses, particularly for postgraduate students. Read more...
10 avril 2014

Council for Higher Education rejects English LL.B. degree in Israel

The Jerusalem PostBy Lidar Gravé-Lazi. College of Law and Business in Ramat Gan denied request to teach program in English. The Council for Higher Education plenum on Tuesday rejected a curriculum for an undergraduate degree in law (LL.B.) in a foreign language.
The decision followed a request by the College of Law and Business in Ramat Gan for approval to host an English-language LL.B. program that would entail conversion of the existing equivalent Hebrew-language law degree program.
The general plenum said the CHE was convinced that in undergraduate degree law studies the Hebrew language plays a central function, and there is significant difficulty in accurately translating legal concepts to English. Furthermore, in Israel nearly all legal materials are in Hebrew and the legal system is conducted exclusively in the Hebrew language, the CHE said. More...
10 avril 2014

Australia’s New Colombo Plan launches in Japan

By Beckie Smith. On a trade mission to Asia this week, Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott rolled out the government’s outbound mobility programme, the New Colombo Plan (NCP), to Japan as part of the programme’s four nation trial scheme. More...

10 avril 2014

‘Entry-level’ jobs are getting harder to find

By Josh Dehaas. New grads face demands for up to five years experience to enter the labour market. How a lack of on-the-job training is hurting young workers. For students like Isabelle Duchaine, in the final stretch of their post-secondary educations, this is a difficult time of the year. “When you’re down to the last few weeks of school plus exams, you’re not just looking for a job,” says the Queen’s University history and political studies major, “you’re looking for a place to live for the next year, a new city, thinking about all the relationships you’re leaving behind and reflecting on where you’re going next. Every once in a while I’m like, ‘Oh my goodness, it’s all over, I’m going to move back into my parents’ basement in Brighton, Ont.’”
For Duchaine, the move home may not last long, as she’s already got a couple of offers for graduate school. Read more...
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