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3 avril 2018

« Le modèle de l’Université de Strasbourg est celui d’une université transfrontalière »

Blog "HEDway" d'Olivier Rollot. L’Université de Strasbourg fait partie des dix universités françaises qui peuvent prétendre à un rayonnement mondial. Son président, Michel Deneken, revient ses forces mais aussi sur la manière dont elle va cette année recevoir ses nouveaux étudiants. Plus...

3 avril 2018

Five signs universities are turning into corporations

By Sioux McKenna. Universities in many parts of the world are buckling under multiple financial, societal and political demands. This has led to increasingly loud calls for what are called ‘enhanced efficiencies’ – a term drawn from the business world. More...
2 avril 2018

Université : un coup de gueule bienvenu

Alternatives EconomiquesSur le blog de Michel Abhervé pour Alternatives économiques. Eric Dacheux est professeur à l'Université de Clermont-Auvergne et responsable du laboratoire " Communication et solidarité ". Son coup de gueule qui vient d'être diffusé par France Info transcrit bien la difficulté au quotidien de travailler dans une Université où les procédures deviennent de plus en prégnantes et chronophages pendant que les moyens sont de plus en plus réduits. Plus...

29 mars 2018

Engineering Universities: Institutes embracing university status

University Business Magazine logoAs higher ed futurists, we are asked about craven competition, niche branding, and distinctive marketing opportunities for a wide range of schools, colleges, and universities. One emergent strategic option for Engineering Institutes is to burnish their unique engineering, science, and technology niche, yet leverage the attributes and competitive advantages that come with attaining University Status. More...

27 mars 2018

No, university is not a waste of time and money

The ConversationDuring the 1960s, the challenge from social critics was universities merely “credentialised” the pretensions of the elite, to validate their claims to positions and occupations of privilege on meritocratic grounds. More...

27 mars 2018

Australia doesn’t have too many universities. Here’s why

The ConversationRecent closures and transfers of university campuses and the University of Wollongong’s opening of a campus in Liverpool in southwestern Sydney reflect more general changes in Australian universities. More...

26 mars 2018

How class and social capital affect university students

The ConversationThere’s a great deal of comfort to be had in the idea that success at university is primarily or exclusively the result of a student’s hard work. All that’s needed is for students to do their best and fairness will prevail. Students who don’t apply themselves will fail. End of story. More...

26 mars 2018

Here are five signs that universities are turning into corporations

The ConversationUniversities in many parts of the world are buckling under multiple financial, societal and political demands. This has led to increasingly loud calls for what are called “enhanced efficiencies” – a term drawn from the business world. More...

26 mars 2018

Why universities need to invest in strong advice systems for students

The ConversationIt is relatively rare for a young person to leave school knowing on their own exactly what they want to do next. And, even if they do, it’s unusual to seamlessly and independently go to university, complete the degree of their choosing, graduate, and move into the working world. More...

24 mars 2018

Violences à l'université de Montpellier : une enquête en cours

Dans la nuit de jeudi 22 à vendredi 23 mars, une dizaine de personnes ont délogées violemment les étudiants de la fac de droit. Plus...

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