Life-changing judgements – university admissions (or not), apprenticeship places (or not), the need for a re-sit (or not) – are being made on the basis that a candidate is awarded a 3 or a 4 at GCSE, or a B or an A at A-Level. But if the 3 should have been a 4, or the A should have been a B, then such judgements and decisions are being taken on thin ice. More...
We haven’t called for an end to defined benefit pensions for university staff – honest! #USS
We recently published a new report on the history of the Universities Superannuation (USS) Scheme. It received a warm reception for recounting the little-known history of the foundation of the USS and its first 30+ years of stability as well as the origins of recent troubles. More...
What do we know about spending on staff?
We would agree with this, although would argue it is fruitful to explore both areas. In fact, we have published the most comprehensive data on student’s views on how their fees should be spent, through the HEPI/AdvanceHE annual Student Academic Experience Survey. More...
Yes, the grade reliability problem can be solved
I had no idea that the results of school exams were so unreliable. And so variable by subject too – 4% wrong for Maths, 44% wrong for History. There’s another blog too, showing the evidence that scripts marked at grade boundaries have only about a 50% chance of being awarded the right grade, even for Maths. More...
Why we have chosen to write about the USS
The role of a think tank is – in large part – to make potentially dry subjects interesting, engaging and impactful. But just sometimes, our job is the opposite. It is to try and help temper subjects that have become so divisive that it is hard to make reasonable progress. More...
L’Asie au programme à l’Institut Montaigne
L’Institut Montaigne est très heureux de vous annoncer l’arrivée d’une équipe de quatre personnes qui développera désormais nos travaux sur les relations que notre pays et l’Europe entretiennent avec l’Asie. Plus...
Recommandations de Terra Nova pour protéger les livreurs indépendants et développer leurs compétences
Case Western Reserve to launch blockchain think tank
Techno-News Blog. Case Western Reserve University, in Cleveland, is adding a think tank to explore blockchain and other technology research interests such as the Internet of Things, and virtual and augmented reality, according to More...
"Regards croisés sur Terra Nova" : le film
A l'occasion de son dixième anniversaire en 2018, Terra Nova a interrogé de nombreuses personnalités du monde intellectuel, politique, des dirigeants d'entreprises, d'associations et de syndicats pour décrypter le rôle du think tank dans le débat public en France. Plus...
Numérique. Son impact sur le réchauffement climatique
Réunis au sein du think tank "The Shift Project", des scientifiques du CNRS, de l'Inria... viennent, dans une étude, d'évaluer la consommation énergétique de nos équipements informatiques et des infrastructures leur permettant de fonctionner (réseaux fixes et mobiles, data centers...). Leur constat est alarmant : alors que la consommation mondiale d'énergie progresse de 1,5 % par an, celle du numérique augmente de 9 %.
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