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25 février 2019

Companion robot trialled in Victorian classrooms

Stephen Downes PhotoBy Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Companion robot trialled in Victorian classrooms
Campbell Kwan, ZD Net, 2018/12/05
It's another story about robot teachers. "La Trobe University has teamed up with Waratah Special Developmental School in Victoria to trial a robot called Matilda as a classroom companion for students with special needs...  at a time when the implementation of robotics and coding technology in schools... has become a growing and controversial trend in education across North America and Europe." It's not clear where the limits will be for robot teachers. More...

25 février 2019

New Chief of California’s Virtual Community College Wants to Help Solve the State’s Work-Force Problem

Techno-News Blog Heather Hiles will be the new chief executive of California’s fledgling virtual community college, the California Community Colleges system announced on Wednesday. More...

25 février 2019

Five ways professionals will experience 5G, and when

Techno-News Blog As mobile network operators sprint to deploy 5G in more localities around the world, interest in and hype around the benefits of 5G is accelerating to Autobahn speeds. More...

25 février 2019

Are Digital Devices the Reason Why Kids Can’t Write?

Techno-News Blog Many parents who look at the messages sent back and forth in their children’s smart phones wonder if schools are even teaching writing these days. More...

25 février 2019

Transforming Big Data Processing Through Blockchain and AI

Techno-News Blog After years of research at MIT, Endor claims to have invented the “Google for predictive analytics*”, providing automated AI predictions for companies. More...

25 février 2019

Emerging Technologies Need Diversity: Innovative Women in AI / Blockchain to Follow in 2019

Techno-News Blog Besides being a hot topic these days, emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence and blockchain have received a reputation for being especially male-dominated in an already bro-saturated tech world. More...

24 février 2019

Integrate tech with education to create adaptable workforce

Techno-News Blog Our education system still faces core issues like lack of access to quality teachers, one-size-fits-all approach and rote memorization. More...

24 février 2019

Why Build a Boot Camp?

Techno-News Blog Ever-increasing numbers of universities and colleges are teaming up with bootcamps to deliver tech training. Does your campus need one too. More...

24 février 2019

Technology Addiction: Concern, Debates, and Finding Balance

Techno-News Blog Studies show that teenagers are spending more than one-third of their days using technology, amounting to nearly nine hours on average. But is this merely an obsession with technology, or is it a technology addiction. More...

24 février 2019

Empowering Teachers with Learning Analytics

Techno-News Blog The entire topic of data analytics can be intimidating for teachers. There is an understandable reluctance to adopt the latest educational fad, often combined with a discomfort with the mathematical and scientific aspects of the enterprise. More...

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