Créée il y a 1 an, l'association "Des Cœurs à l'Ouvrage" réalise avec sa trentaine d'adhérents et sa quinzaine de bénévoles actifs, des maraudes alimentaires pour les sans-abri brestois, des ventes caritatives, des aides d'urgence pour les familles précaires (vêtements, denrées alimentaires, ameublement...).
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Enquête sur le travail social
Dans les DROM, une personne sur trois est couverte par un minimum social
Sur le blog de Michel Abhervé pour Alternatives économiques. Le numéro N° 1108 d'Études et Résultats, a été publié par la DREES le 7 mars 2019. Il met en évidence que fin 2017, 4,22 millions de personnes étaient allocataires de l'un des 10 minima sociaux, ce qui avec les conjoints et les enfants à charge représente 7 millions de personnes. Plus...
The Grad Activist: Rallying with the Youth Climate Strike
This week we are going to focus on Graduate Students as active citizens, activists, and forces for change in their own community. On Monday, Patrick shared his experiences working in local government. On Wednesday, Neelofer talked with two labor organizers on their work in academia. Check us out on Twitter where we will being highlighting past posts on this topic, too. More...
Social Bookmarking Tools (I)
By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Social Bookmarking Tools (I)
Good article describing the rising trend of social bookmarking tools, explaining how they can be used to organize information (by contrast to an ontology, which as, as Clay Shirkey remarks, "a good way to organize objects, [...], but it is a terrible way to organize ideas." Readers conversant with social bookmarking will nonetheless appreciate the comprehensive listing and comparison of social bookmarking tools (there's more out there than you thought). More...
Mouvement social. A Rennes, des mesures pour soutenir les commerçants
Subissant des manifestations à répétition depuis le 17 novembre et notamment pendant la période des fêtes de fin d'année, les commerçants rennais du centre-ville ont subi une "perte d'attractivité" qui engendre "de grandes difficultés pour certains", souligne Rennes métropole.
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Every Post is a “Selfie”: The Desire for Social Approval
By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Every Post is a “Selfie”: The Desire for Social Approval
Eric Olsen, Higher Ed Live, April 30, 2013
It's always interesting to observe people thinking that "there must be some reason" for doing things online, because they cannot comprehend that the thing in itself is worth doing. I have binders full of original writings from the pre-internet days that prove that I would be doing this even if there weren't an audience to see it. More...
ESU co-chairing the first meeting of BFUG Advisory Group on Social Dimension
The first meeting of the BFUG (Bologna Follow-Up Group) Advisory Group on Social Dimension took place in late February in Zagreb, Croatia. More...
What’s behind the teacher strikes: Unions focus on social justice, not just salaries
Wright State Board Approves Terms That Ended Strike
By Colleen Flaherty. Wright State University’s Board of Trustees voted unanimously Monday to approve a term sheet agreement with the institution’s American Association of University Professors-affiliated faculty union. Many members went on strike for three weeks, through late Sunday, over an imposed contract. More...