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1 avril 2019

Montana high school girls encouraged to learn cybersecurity skills

Techno-News BlogThe demand for lucrative cybersecurity jobs is rising rapidly, but experts in the field say they’re having a hard time finding people to fill them. In fact, a 2017 report shows more than 300,000 open cybersecurity jobs in America. More...

31 mars 2019

Posties using virtual reality headsets to learn how to avoid being dog attacks

Techno-News BlogRoyal Mail has used the system more then 750 times since November after a string of horrific attacks in which rogue pets have bitten off fingers, thumbs and even a nose. More...

31 mars 2019

On Red Alert

Techno-News BlogChinese hackers are ramping up their efforts to steal military research secrets from U.S. universities, new cybersecurity intelligence suggests. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the University of Hawaii, Pennsylvania State University, Duke University and the University of Washington are among 27 institutions in the U.S., Canada and Southeast Asia to be targeted by Chinese hackers, The Wall Street Journal reported Tuesday. More...

31 mars 2019

You have around 20 minutes to contain a Russian APT attack

Techno-News BlogGovernments and private organizations have around 20 minutes to detect and contain a hack from Russian nation-state actors. New statistics published today by US cyber-security firm Crowdstrike ranked threat groups based on their “breakout time.” More...

24 mars 2019

Cybersécurité. Les nouvelles technologies exposent le monde agricole à des menaces

Les nouvelles technologies (autoguidage des tracteurs, robotisation de la traite, surveillance des champs par drone, régulation automatique de la température dans les élevages hors-sol...) se sont déployées dans le secteur agricole, exposant ce dernier, selon l'administration américaine, à des cyber-menaces.
Source :

23 mars 2019

La cybersécurité dans les entreprises du Commerce

Mails malveillants, phishing, ransomware, cyberespionnage, cyberattaque… Cette nouvelle réalité, loin d’être virtuelle, apparue en même temps que l’essor des nouvelles technologies, constitue un enjeu majeur pour les entreprises du Commerce.
Pour garantir la continuité de leur activité, voire assurer leur pérennité, les entreprises doivent aujourd’hui impérativement se doter d’une politique de sécurité de leurs systèmes d’information. Objectif : protéger les données en circulation sur le Web, et éviter les cyber-attaques. Plus...
23 mars 2019

La sécurité sur la route, c’est l’affaire de tous ! Juste avant les vacances, les cadres et Stagiaires du CSMV d’Ambérieu-en-Bugey, étaient réunis dans le cadre d’une sensibilisation à la sécurité routière . Au programme, théorie et exercices pratiques pour nos jeunes titulaires du permis de conduire avec un casque à vision déformée. Plus...
21 mars 2019

Highest Security for your Files in the Cloud

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Highest Security for your Files in the Cloud
So I've been thinking more about data security lately. Not data security in the sense of preventing the NSA or Chinese hackers from getting at my files if they really want to - that's probably not possible. But security in the sense of preventing average criminals and companies like Google from trolling my data and using it for commercial purposes. More...

11 mars 2019

Feds tell Web firms to turn over user account passwords

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Feds tell Web firms to turn over user account passwords
Declan McCullagh, CNet, July 30, 2013
According to this report, the "secret demands mark escalation in Internet surveillance by the federal government through gaining access to user passwords, which are typically stored in encrypted form." The companies (for example, Microsoft) report that they are not turning over passwords, decryption algorithms, or salts. More...

4 mars 2019

How to save thousands with these free cybersecurity programs

eCampus NewsCybersecurity is one of the most pressing issues facing higher ed. Unfortunately, third-party penetration testing and vulnerability assessments can be incredibly expensive, especially for large universities. More...

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