Seeing Flowers Reproduce On Genome Island in Second Life
This is a neat idea - replicating genome-based reproduction on Second Life, at a scale where people can see the mechanisms at work. Perhaps when they can see evolution at work on this scale it won't be so mysterious to people. More...
Succès du 101e tir d'Ariane 5 : BepiColombo en route vers Mercure
Black Arts of the Science Mags
Black Arts of the Science Mags
In a nutshell, "the web is ending scientific publishing's stranglehold." This news report follows from recent hearings in the U.K. regarding the current scientific publishing market. More...
Standing up for Science workshop 5 October 2018, Brussels
This FREE full day event is for early career researchers in all sciences, social sciences, engineering and medicine (PhD students, post-docs or equivalent). During the workshop, discussion about research-related controversies in public debates is combined with practical guidance and tips for how to interact with the public and politicians. More...
Why Engage in E-science?
Why Engage in E-science?
This is about right: "there is a revolution going on - the democratisation of science." This article looks at this from the point of view of librarians. The revolution is that one person uses another prson's data. But there is a lot of data, and it's constantly changing. The librarian's challenge is to enable access to this data. More...
Science needs to address the lack of black role models
La Fête de la Science et les rendez-vous de la Science en Corse en 2018
Succès de l'atterrisseur franco-allemand Mascot
J-10 avant la Fête de la science 2018
A manifesto for reproducible science
A manifesto for reproducible science
Marcus Munafò, Wonkhe, 2018/08/30
This article summarizes the points made by a longer article of the same title published in Nature. It alludes to the previously discovered 'reproducibility crisis' in science, and calls for a series of measures to ensure scientific and (especially) statistical rigour and respectability. More...