En janvier 2020, toutes les formations reconnues par l’état seront sur Parcoursup, comme le souhaitait la loi relative à l’orientation et à la réussite des étudiants (ORE). Plus...
Portrait de l’enseignement supérieur à l’horizon 2025
Le rapport sur la stratégie nationale de l’enseignement supérieur tourne le dos à la sélection et à la hausse des droits d’inscription. Plus...
Les métiers du sport et de l’animation – Etude régionale prospective de l’emploi et des compétences
La DRDJSCS, le Conseil régional et Cap Métiers Nouvelle-Aquitaine ont souhaité engager une étude régionale prospective sur l’emploi et les compétences dans les métiers du sport et de l’animation. Ce travail a été conduit en partenariat avec la direction régionale INSEE Nouvelle-Aquitaine, le CEFIL (centre de formation de l’INSEE) et les représentants des Branches professionnelles. Plus...
Combien gagnerez-vous en 40 ans grâce à votre diplôme?
Une étude a calculé combien rapportera un diplôme donné en 40 ans de carrière. Et montre d’importants écarts de rémunération entre les plus diplômés et les autres. Plus...
Predictions for 2007
By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Predictions for 2007
eLearn Magazine's annual prognostication is out with the usual round of suspects. I like the way it begins, with Don Norman: "Finally, something might happen within the educational scene. Why? Because business leaders are now seriously worried." Elliott Masie jumps on next year's HD-TV trend with a meaningless buzzword: "a new model of High Definition Learning." Yeah, maybe when the viewers come down below the thousands of dollars. He also gets Web 3.0 into the same hyndred words. Sheesh. Michael Feldstein sees happy news coming from the Supreme Court (happy, that is, unless you work for Blackboard). Ray Schroeder is big on mobile learning, with a focus on Zune and the iPod. Well, maybe with iPod; Zune is nobody's favorite toy. Saul Carliner says "Experimentation in the design of e-learning programs will be more practical," but I see no good reason to believe that. Allison Rossett says, "Revolution is too strong a word for where we are today. Intimations, hints, glimmers, and possibilities-those words describe it better." Yeah, but hints and glimmers of what? Of... revolution, perhaps? Jay Cross touts the year of pull, the unconference, and cites Moore's Law. More...
The Future of Higher Technical education – do the government’s proposals deliver?
The UK Government is coming to the end of a major consultation in England on ‘higher technical education’, that is, work-focused qualifications at Level 4 and 5. This consultation is significant not least because it is the first from the Department for Education (DfE) dealing with policy proposals trailed in the Augar Report. More...
Are there ways to protect economies against potential future housing busts?
Housing, a large and volatile sector, is often at the centre of economic crises, as a trigger or amplifier. The current situation, which is characterised by house prices approaching or exceeding pre-crisis levels in many countries, raises questions as to whether these price levels may be indicative of a possible impending correction and what can be done to reduce housing-related macroeconomic risks. More...
Some thoughts on the future of public higher education
Discussing the future of higher education in the holiday season
Predicting the future of research
At a recent HEPI roundtable on the future for global research the focus of discussion was the major recent study by Elsevier, produced in partnership with Ipsos Mori, which set out three future research scenarios – Brave open world, Tech titans, and Eastern ascendance – and explored how they could play over the medium to long-term. More...