By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Vision of the Future -- Howard Rheingold'S Presentation
A good talk - recreated as an essay - from Howard Rheingold on the subject of new media literacy and participative learning. After some comments on the need to people to be able to assess online materials, Rheingold looks at the power of these users to organize themselves, giving examples from OhMyNews in Korea. Most interestingly, he describes how the internet can help each person develop a distinctive "voice" and how this voice becomes the "fundamental particle" of public opinion. More...
2020, une année sans éclat
Perspectives Eco 2020 (4/4) : la flambée tertiaire de la métropole
Nourrir l’humanité : un défi de demain
D’ici 2050, la population mondiale sera passée de 7,7 à près de 10 milliards d’êtres humains.
Dans ce contexte, Bpifrance a mené une réflexion collective autour de la question « Comment nourrir l’humanité ? » dans le cadre de son projet Demain. L’objectif : mieux accompagner les entrepreneurs, anticiper les mutations de l’économie et préparer la société aux ruptures à venir. Plus...
À l’horizon 2030, 50 000 actifs cesseraient leur activité
Afin d’accompagner ces transformations et d’en appréhender les enjeux, la DIRECCTE de Corse a souhaité s’associer à l’INSEE pour réaliser une étude relative aux cessations d’activité de fin de carrière en Corse. Plus...
Online learning in 2020: perfect vision in the Year of the Rat
No, no firm predictions from me for 2020 other than more of the same from 2019, plus something unexpected. However, I will suggest three issues that will need special attention during 2020, at least in Canadian online learning. More...
Welcome to the 2020s
At the start of a new decade, it is fashionable to look ahead at what will happen in one’s sector. Personally, I think that life is going to change in ways we can’t imagine over the next ten years, so getting too specific is a fool’s errand. What I would like to do instead is talk about what the big challenges are going to be. More...
How accurate were predictions for higher education in 2020?
The end of a decade offers the chance to reflect on how higher education policy has changed in the past and where it will go in the future. Higher education has been through a turbulent time in recent years and there is no reason to assume the 2020s will be any different. But where did we predict we’d be entering this new decade. More...