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Formation Continue du Supérieur
15 février 2016

L’Etat doit-il mieux encadrer l’enseignement privé ? Headway - Olivier Rollot. Le rapport de la médiatrice de l’éducation nationale et de de l’enseignement supérieur, Monique Sassier, jetait en 2012 un regard cru sur certaines pratiques trop souvent dénoncées d’un enseignement supérieur privé agissant en marge de toute contrôle réel de l’État. Suite...

20 janvier 2016

We private providers open doors to students shunned by other universities

The Guardian homeBy Debi Hayes. UK universities take a blinkered approach to widening participation - they need to follow our lead and welcome students without A-levels. More...
19 janvier 2016

Private universities seek state-funded students share

By Gilbert Nganga. Private universities in Kenya are pushing to be allowed to admit state-funded students, in a bid to help ease an admissions crisis in public institutions. Currently – and despite a government directive – private institutions can only admit self-sponsored students. Read more...

4 janvier 2016

Weighing public and private interests in regulating school choice

By Jon Valant. The steady growth of charter schools and public school choice programs is changing the ways that U.S. public schools are governed. Traditionally, states delegate school governance to school districts, with governing authority held by locally elected boards. More...

20 décembre 2015

EDMC settlements chart new direction for private-sector education

University Business LogoBy Stefanie Botelho. As someone who has long believed in the importance of private-sector education, I read with interest the announcement that one of the sector's leaders, Education Management Corporation (EDMC), has settled with both the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) and attorneys general from 39 states and the District of Columbia. More...
9 décembre 2015

The road to privatisation

By Ly Pham. Alongside the transformation of central planning into a market economy, private higher education institutions have been adopted in Vietnam since 1993 and now account for 19% of the total higher education institutions and 14% of higher education students. Read more...

23 novembre 2015

Universities need balance in accepting corporate money

More Canadian institutions will face controversy over the influence of donors on programmes if they do not rethink their relationship with private funders, warn academics who have studied the relationship between donations and educational institutions, writes Simona Chiose for The Globe and Mail. Read more...

22 novembre 2015

Financement privé des universités : la doyenne d’une école de commerce en Saskatchewan se fait rassurante

Daphne Taras, doyenne de l’école de commerce Edwards à Saskatoon, surveille de près les critiques que s’est attirées l’Université de Calgary après la révélation de son étroite relation avec la pétrolière Enbridge. Voir l'article...

16 novembre 2015

Top state school pupils 'get better degrees than those from private schools' Researchers found state school pupils with A* grade A-levels were likely to get better degrees than those from private schools with similar A-level grades. More...

9 novembre 2015

L’enseignement supérieur privé face au désengagement de l’Etat Headway - Olivier Rollot. 13% en 2013, 7% en 2014 et encore 1% cette année, même symbolique le désengagement financier de l’Etat vis à vis de l’enseignement supérieur privé se poursuit cette année comme le déplorent la CDEFI, la CGE et les quatre fédérations d’établissements d’enseignement supérieur privés contractualisés (Fesic, Udesca, Ugei et l’UNFL) dans un communiqué commun. Alors que le montant des ressources tirées de la collecte de la taxe d’apprentissage a chuté de 32% cette année et que les chambres de commerce se désengagent c’est tout l’enseignement supérieur privé qui s’inquiète de son avenir. Suite...

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