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10 décembre 2016

Travaux préparatoires à l'externalisation de l'épreuve théorique générale

Le site de la sécurité routièreLe projet de loi sur la croissance, l'activité et l'égalité des chances économiques, en cours de dernière lecture au Parlement,  prévoit de nouvelles modalités d'organisation des examens relatifs au permis de conduire. Ainsi, s'il est adopté, l'organisation de l'épreuve théorique générale du permis de conduire ( c'est à dire du code) pourra être confiée par l’État à des organismes agréés. Voir l'article...

19 novembre 2016

Les mécanismes de concertation dans les établissements publics et privés sous contrat - Rapport IGEN/IGAENR n° 2016-055

Les constats sur la concertation à l'œuvre dans les établissements publics et privés du 2nd degré vont parfois à l'encontre des idées reçues (la réticence des enseignants face au travail en équipe, l'absence de légitimité du chef d'établissement dans le pilotage pédagogique). Au contraire, les établissements sont le lieu d'une réelle concertation entre les acteurs, dès lors qu'elle est centrée sur leurs besoins et leurs projets. Les projets d'établissement et les contrats d'objectifs, trop souvent désincarnés, sont loin de remplir le rôle fédérateur qu'on leur prête généralement. La concertation informelle, très développée, nourrit et se nourrit des instances plus formalisées, conseils pédagogiques, conseils de classe, conseils d’enseignement, cellules de veille, commissions de suivi des élèves.

19 novembre 2016

A changing public-private higher education dynamics. The Polish Case

Devoted to the presentation of IAU projects and initiatives, this issue focuses more specifically on the IAU 15th General Conference. The In Focus section is on Leadership for a changing public private higher education funding landscape, the theme retained for the upcoming IAU 2017 International Conference and IAU Global Meeting of Associtaions to take place in Ghana in October 2017
A changing public-private higher education dynamics. The Polish Case
Poland provides an interesting example of the impact of rapidly declining demographics on the public-private dynamics in higher education funding architecture, with powerful implications for university leadership. From an international perspective, the Polish case shows how fragile private higher education is when its dominating demand-absorbing subsector is confronted with changing demographics and massive public financing in the public sector; it also shows how interdependent the two sectors are. The history of Polish higher education after 1989 can be divided into two contrasting periods: the expansion period (1990-2005) and the contraction period (since 2006). More...

visuel vol 21.4
18 novembre 2016

Working more inclusively at the public/private divide

Devoted to the presentation of IAU projects and initiatives, this issue focuses more specifically on the IAU 15th General Conference. The In Focus section is on Leadership for a changing public private higher education funding landscape, the theme retained for the upcoming IAU 2017 International Conference and IAU Global Meeting of Associtaions to take place in Ghana in October 2017
Working more inclusively at the public/private divide
Ideas about ‘public’ and ‘private’ are central to higher education policy thinking. But there is little consensus on where the public/private line falls, with different opinions from expert to expert, from country to country and within countries. And there is even less clarity on the extent to which higher education creates public goods—as distinct from its role in creating private goods, the higher wages and employability associated with being a graduate. More...

visuel vol 21.4
16 novembre 2016

Challenging the Privatised University (Advocate 23 03)

By Ian Dobson. Today’s universities are defined by their commitment to neoliberal logics (an oxymoron, I know), with CEOs at the helm on salaries of $1 million or more, and military, pharmaceutical, biotech and fossil fuel industries driving commercial research agendas. At the privatised university – or ‘edu-factory’, as I sometimes think of it – degrees and research are products for sale; students are consumers, and academics are entrepreneurs and service providers. More...

31 octobre 2016

Why don’t we have private universities in Canada?

Résultat de recherche d'images pour By Alex Usher. Every once in awhile I get asked a question like “why doesn’t Canada have private higher education”?  The answer is complicated, in part because the question isn’t as precise as it seems. More...

30 octobre 2016

What could a new private university in Canada look like?

Résultat de recherche d'images pour By Alex Usher. Yesterday I outlined why a major private university has never emerged in Canada.  But I also suggested that it wasn’t impossible one might pop up in the future if it were backed by someone with sufficiently deep pockets and an eye for strategy. More...

14 octobre 2016

Help stop the privatisation of the ASIC corporate registry

By Michael Evans. The corporate register is an important piece of transparency infrastructure and significant concerns have been raised that offloading it into private hands could further impede academics, journalists and advocacy groups in their important work exposing unscrupulous corporate behaviour. More...

18 juillet 2016

New voice for private 'challenger' universities

By David Jobbins. The United Kingdom’s growing for-profit higher education sector – set to expand as the government encourages so-called 'challenger' institutions to compete with established state universities – has a new voice. More...

17 juillet 2016

Moody's: Higher Ed Finances Improve, But Gap Widens

HomeBy Doug Lederman. Public and private colleges alike saw their median revenues outpace median expenses in the 2015 fiscal year, showing improved stability of higher education finances, Moody's Investors Service said in a pair of reports released Monday. Read more...

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