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21 mars 2019

OpenSocial and the OpenSocial Foundation: Moves to W3C

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. OpenSocial and the OpenSocial Foundation: Moves to W3C
Brian Kelly, UK Web Focus, 2015/01/01
The Open Social Foundation is moving standards work to the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). There will be two groups, as described by Brian Kelly:

  • The Social Web Working Group, which is defining technical standards and APIs to facilitate access to social functionality.
  • The Social Interest Group, which is coordinating development of social use cases, and formulating a broad strategy to enable social business and federation.

Kelly describes one case of interest, cross-platform commenting on (for example) photo uploads. More...

21 mars 2019

A Weird but True Fact about Textbook Publishers and OER

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. A Weird but True Fact about Textbook Publishers and OER
Michael Feldstein, e-Literate, 2014/11/24
Michael Feldstein makes the point in this post that many publishers like open educational resources. "It has become clear that textbook profits are collapsing as student find more ways to avoid buying the new books," he writes. More...

21 mars 2019

Doing Better With Open Access Advocacy

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Doing Better With Open Access Advocacy
Jill O'Neill, The Scholarly Kitchen, 2014/12/30
Jill O'Neill argues that Open Access advocates shouldn't casually appear to the needs of the visually impaired as an argument in favour of open access. It never bothered them before, she says - "such incompatibility hadn’t surfaced in earlier open access manifestos — Budapest, Berlin, Bethesda" — and now seems a convenient issue to use to make the point. More...

21 mars 2019

Hack This Book: Announcing Open Music Theory

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Hack This Book: Announcing Open Music Theory
Kris Shaffer, Hybrid Pedagogy, 2014/10/03
While I still have my criticisms of this textbook (music notation is not my thing) I think it represents a useful innovation and, I hope, further undermines the traditional publisher paradigm of university textbooks. It's not just that the published books cost money (though there is that) but also that they convey a single authoritative voice. These open textbooks disrupt that. More...

21 mars 2019

Open Online Participant Invite for 2014-15

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Open Online Participant Invite for 2014-15
Various authors, Gleneagle Secondary‘s Philosophy 12 class, 2014/09/29

If you want to challenge the preconceptions of high school students (well, at least some of them) this is the place to do it. More...

21 mars 2019

Our open Geography textbook is alive!

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Our open Geography textbook is alive!
Clint Lalonde,, 2014/09/22

In many ways, British Columbia is leading the way in Canada in the support of open content and open learning. Here we have the launch of a Creative Commons licensed geography textbook. More...

21 mars 2019

The Open Education Professional Directory

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. The Open Education Professional Directory
Various authors, Open Education Consortium, 2014/09/18
If you're looking for speakers, consultants or experts to assist you with issues related to open educational resources, you can't do better than the The Open Education Professional Directory. More...

21 mars 2019

The Open Access Interviews: Paul Royster, Coordinator of Scholarly Communications, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. The Open Access Interviews: Paul Royster, Coordinator of Scholarly Communications, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Richard Poynder, Open, Shut, 2014/09/02
Long, interesting, and important essay by Richard Poynder on open access (20 page PDF). The context is an interview with Paul Royster (pictured), who has established the second largest institutional repository in the US at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln with some 60K open access works. A great accomplishment. But he is surprised to see it attacked by open access advocates. "He was startled to hear SPARC announce to delegates that henceforth the sine qua non of open access is that a work has to be made available with a CC BY licence or equivalent attached... the OA movement no longer views what he is doing as open access."
Well, I've had this argument with people before. More...

20 mars 2019

Open Schooling in Perspective

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Open Schooling in Perspective
Frances Ferreira, Commonwealth of Learning, 2014/12/01
Open schooling is "the physical separation of the school learner from the teacher, and the use of unconventional teaching methodologies and information and communications technologies." It addresses significant issues in many countries, including the provision of education for girls, for students who have been failed or dropped out, and for students who are unable to attend school. More...

20 mars 2019

OER Beyond Voluntarism

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. OER Beyond Voluntarism
Brian Jacobs, Inside Higher Ed, 2014/08/29
I don't think's Brian Jacobs gets the concept of OERs. here's what he writes in Inside Higher Ed: "A better way forward is to compensate the stakeholders -- faculty, copyright holders, and technologists, principally -- for their contributions to the OER ecosystem. This can be done by charging students nominally for the OER courses they take or as a modest institutional materials fee." The point of OERs is that you don't charge the students. More...

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